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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 10/25/04:
 You are the Green Angel. Your powers are that of the earth. Which means you can move mountains and you're like miracle grow to plants. You're mature and kind like a mother. You're motto is "Make love and not war". Even though you say that, there are times when sometimes you just have to fight, but you don't mind as long as it's for a good cause.
Which Angel are you? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 10/25/04:

You are an Angel of Light.You are as sweet
and caring as they get.You are pure and
would never hurt a living soul.Youll
probably keep your virginity for a while.
+What Kind Of Angel Are You+
brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 10/25/04:
Result Posted on 10/25/04:
 You are the White pixie, you love watching the clouds move across the sky and form things and dreaming about lovely things and tunring things into gold.You wear your diamond ring and crystal charm everywhere you go.
What Beautiful Pixie R U ? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 10/25/04:
The pure angel. Very rare.
Of all the people born, it is you, the pure angel who is the rarest. The world is a good place to you, and you tend to side with optomistic ideas. You like to help, and can get ruffled when you see something going on that is unjust. You're the type of person who has some of the best friends.
What's your angel type? (Beautiful pics) (Girls) brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 10/24/04:
Cool! nice!
Result Posted on 10/24/04:
ha ha ha i love games!
 Your a playful unicorn! Wow, you must like games very much. All playful unicorns live near oceans or lakes and are all open to humans and other cretures. Playful unicorns tend to like to play alot with any human or animal, but quite frankly, most of the time, thats all they do. Playful unicorns are very nice and kind, and always like to help. Sometimes they tend to be lazy, but who doesnt? Playful unicorns horns, if drank from, can detect poison and turn green. All playful unicorns, unlike other unicorns, know the human speech very well, and always seem to stay in the phase of a child.
What kind of Unicorn are you? (With beautiful pictures) brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 10/24/04:
Cool! sweet!
 Power! You are very strong and energetic. And if you fell down and you hurt, you stand up and continue playing as nothing happend. You are a very strongwilled person with a big ego!
Why do people admire you? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 10/24/04:
Cool! i love you yami yugi
 WTF? Marik left as quick as he appeared. Anyways Joey is acting like an asshole. Can't wait to hear his excuse. And before this whole thing happened Seto did warn you. IS that cuz he wants you? And then there's Yugi. Who saved your life. Of course he's the type to do it for anyone in need but the way he held you after you regained concisouness says a lot too. And he fell asleep on top of ya! WTH does that tell you? Stay tuned same bat time, same bat channel!
(Yu-Gi-Oh)Which Duel Monsters Player Will Win Your Heart? (part 13) brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 10/24/04:
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