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TOTALLY HOT #1Ms.Atem Strong Beauty egypt queen karin miller
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i was born in Japan! ^_^ but i moved to some where
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Yugioh,Yugioh GX,sailor moon,pokemon,kindaichi,Ranma 1/2,slayers,seint tail,tokyo mew mew,yuyuhakushiyo,DBZ,kaito jiyaune,fist of the north star ,Final Fantasy,kim possible,Lupin III,G Gandam,FMA,inuyashya,Zach Bell,Naruto,Winx club,puffy ami yumi,Boondoc
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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/07/05:
Sweet! ^_^
Result Posted on 07/05/05:
Result Posted on 07/05/05:
Result Posted on 07/05/05:
sweet! ^-^
Result Posted on 07/02/05:
LOL omg
Result Posted on 07/02/05:
cute! ^-^
Result Posted on 07/02/05:
Sweet! ^-^
Result Posted on 07/01/05:
^^ sweet i got ED!!
Result Posted on 06/30/05:
 You got Yugi Moto! Lucky you! He's kind, innocent, and a little childish. He doesn't like taking things too fast, and will do little things to make you feel special. You two will be so happy together! Not that it matters that there is an ancient spirit sharing his body...
Which Yugioh Hottie Would Be Your Boyfriend? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 06/25/05:
Sweet!! look the all the quiz i did LoL
 You are the perky dipsy girl. Very cheerful and fun loving. You are loyal and have a child like innocence and are probably the comic relief to everyone your around. Though your perky antics and half-witted nature tend to ride on people's nerves.
Which Female Anime Stereotype are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Your soul is happy.You live life like its all a fun game. You don't like to take things seriously which is both good and bad. Due to your fun loving nature you don't like steady boyfriends that much. They come and go, and you simply aren't ready for your true love to come just yet. Generally you are a good friend who can cheer up those in need of it and are fun to hang out with. You hate feeling sad yourself and avoid it the best you can. Parties and social gatherings are your things, whether it be in small or large groups of people. It is no surprise that you are well-liked among your peers. How is your soul?(pics) brought to you by Quizilla
you as an anime girl (with pics) Name ms.yami yugi Date of Birth oct,1,1986' |
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