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myOtaku.com: munga

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

msyugioh123 (01/28/06)

cool avitar come visit my site

Yunet (03/14/05)

Hullo! I saw you art - It's magnificent! (geez... that's a big word ^^) May I add you as a friend??
Oh! And nice site! ^^ Later!

ineXpressible (12/22/04)

It was no prob. As is very obvious I'm new to this site ^_^. I still love your pic!!! ^_^Thanks a ton for signing my guestbook! I really like your site...its so Christmassy! Cute pic thingy by the way (i dont have a more official name to call it) anyways MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

evanescence3000 (12/21/04)

Hey Munga!! Your Samus artwork really caught my eye! Its terrific! Outstanding! What program did you draw it in? Pleaz tell me!! I'll add you as a friend okay!! Swing by my place for a while pleaz! C U SOON
Merry Christmas!!

WyomingSama (12/15/04)

It's all GREEN. I like your pic, it's cute. Your fanart is awesome, can't see why people voted no on it, they're jealous aren't they?

nanako (12/14/04)

yer oh so welcome...yer a great artist...wow...i wish i cud draw wid` a pen like dat...O.O eheheh yah...yer FABTASTiC !! -[ fabulous `n fantastic !! ]- =D imma add yu as a fren`...`n i hope yu add meeh t0o...kk !? =]

---» nani ? // nanako =3

MiniMM (12/12/04)

Thanks for signing my gb. I like the colors you chose for your site. ^.^ I hope you won't mind if I add you as my buddy and please add me too.

About your fanart, I meant how do you do the shading? It goes black to a lighter color(gray). Well depending on what you meant by using ink(I think of a pen).

Rose Lover (12/12/04)

Yeah! I get to be the first to sign your GB! I'm so lucky. You're lucky to too for I am an Otaku Guardian and my job is to help. Just PM me your questions and I'll do my best to help. I'll add you as a friend to check in now and then. See ya!