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myOtaku.com: munga

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Thursday, December 16, 2004

   SURVEY! please reply!!!
heys! i gots a survey for u guys! please answer it for me! i need it for research and i would luv it u replied! okies here we go! *survey* please chose one or the other: letter: A or M level: straight forward or up #inyr: 3 1/2 or 1 1/2 #inyragain: 1/2 or 1 1/2 ????: smiles or jokes personality: flirt or stay quiet friends: "its so cute! or "so annoyin! but fun!" me: "yeah..." or " aha thats funny" freetime: skateboard or martial arts u pick? how? ex. letter: M level: up #inyr: 3 1/2 and so on... please reply!!
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

currently eating soggy cereal rite now.. b/c i spent a long time commenting a friend. eh, makes it easier to swallow. its like mush but with chunks of almonds.. gots to b-careful with them almonds... mite get caught n choke on it... speakin of chokin... i wus chokin once on a strawburst hard candy and my sis wus rite there and she didnt do n e thing about it! luckily i got it out and went for a different one... this time its apple flavored! stupid strawberry that tastes so good. i never learn my lessons...
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Monday, December 13, 2004

   two worlds, same concept, totally different advantages
lets see... i am a long time xanga-ian.. i think thats what we are called.. if not then oops.. n e ways.. i wus thinkin about how xanga and otaku is so much alike but different at the same time. they both have journals.. which is great but its tiring to keep updating...the difference is that... otaku is all about anime.. and xanga.. has no limits to what ever u want to base a bloggie on... hey, do otaku have like.. blogrings? like groups of ppl.. like the lets see.. "flcl fanz 4ever" group or sum ting? ... eh, i'll figure it out sum how... wait. why do i even ask? the blogrings i joined in xanga... i dont even do much in there.. so makes do stuff in here? if they have one... eh..
::in short::
Xanga vs Otaku
Xanga: html coding freedom.
its not really that complimacated to do html on ur xanga site and that means that ur site can hae its own uniqueness, its own layout... if u wanna see how a layout on xanga looks like u can click on my website link to the side. i dont mind u visiting.. its greet when ppl visits. :)
Otaku: Art Submissions.
thats the reason why i joined... jus to see what ppl thinks of my art and to benifit from their comments. its really fun to show off but then again.. it has some draw backs. i'm not showing off my work... i jus want to see how i rank in the real world b/c i plan to be a manga artist when i grow up. some day i'll post my comic on here... and see what u guys think of it. :)
Similarities: they both have online journals and communities.
i guess in a way... ppl like to share their feelings with the world and have hopes that sum one out there will hear their call and aid them through their tough times or laugh with them during the great times. ppl need one another and to do that the ppl of the online society has created wonderful sites where we can interact with one another known as the online journal.

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Sunday, December 12, 2004

   ur.. i dunno what i'm doing.....
like the title says... i dunno what i'm doing..... how do u make the site look nice n all that.. like the layout stuff n html codings... how do u view ur site? arg! i'm so confused! i'ma go to sleep now.
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