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myOtaku.com: munga

Thursday, December 16, 2004

   SURVEY! please reply!!!
heys! i gots a survey for u guys! please answer it for me! i need it for research and i would luv it u replied! okies here we go! *survey* please chose one or the other: letter: A or M level: straight forward or up #inyr: 3 1/2 or 1 1/2 #inyragain: 1/2 or 1 1/2 ????: smiles or jokes personality: flirt or stay quiet friends: "its so cute! or "so annoyin! but fun!" me: "yeah..." or " aha thats funny" freetime: skateboard or martial arts u pick? how? ex. letter: M level: up #inyr: 3 1/2 and so on... please reply!!
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