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• 1986-09-23
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• 2005-04-15
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• early 90s (god bless Ronin Warriors)
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• .hack, Last Exile, Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu, Excel Saga, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (and many others)
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• Drawing comics, reading manga, watching anime, playing games, listening to calm & soothing music
• Drawing and sneaking up to people
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Friday, June 3, 2005
37th Post (UPDATED!!)
First of all, whoa! I dunno if I should cosplay as Shikamaru. If that'll be the case, then I might have to cut off some of my hair, and it took me quite a while to get my hair this long. I might go through with it either way...even if it means piercing my ears. But I don't know if I should do the genin or the chuunin Shikamaru.
Speaking of Naruto, I've finished reading chapter 261 and I gotta say...I have mixed feelings. I'll stop right here just for the people who haven't read it yet. Also, hopefully later on today I'll be able to see the Naruto movie.
Another thing, if you don't know about it already, cartoon network is showing a special on the shows that will come this year. They showed previews on some anime, new episodes of other shows, and also a small preview of Naruto. I haven't seen the anime so I can't tell you if they changed the soundtrack to it but I tried to listen to the voices and all I got was Naruto's yell as he attacks (and probably Kakashi was well). I have no comment on their voice so far. If you want to see when they'll show it again just go to the cartoon network site or go to your regular source for news on anime.
Wow...I gotta stop talking about Naruto or else I'll be addicted to it...must.think.about.excel saga...!
As for my "1 a day drawings", I did one on Micheal on tuesday and one on my character yesterday. Today I might draw Marz. I'm proud of these but unfortunately, I might not put them up (seeing as how some people like to steal artwork).
As usual, I might update this post later on. Ja ne!
To Otemba:
...Kakashi kicks ass, huh? Yeah, try saying that when he's under Itachi's Tsukiyomi and again when Naruto and Sakura take the bells from him. I loved that part, it was hilarious.
UPDATE: If I don't do Shikamaru, I'll probably do Jotaro Kujo. Why? Cause he's the man! (sorry, I couldn't help myself) Last night I researched both Shikamaru and Jotaro's outfits and it's a possibility that I could do both (I have the money, resources, and time).
To Otemba...again: I won't scan pics if I won't put them up on the net.
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Thursday, June 2, 2005
36th Post
Let me start off by saying that I forgot to mention something on monday's post. On sunday I've was sneezing quite excessively so if someone was talking about me, please be kind.
I also forgot to mention Paranoia Agent. This anime caught my eye the first time I saw it in the Geneon Preview disc that were handed out at an anime convention that happened quite some time ago. I must say, the opening to the show is quite hilarious. It's twisted but I couldn't stop myself from laughing. As for the actually show, let me say this; I cannot wait to see what happens next!
Anyways, on to the drawings! I've finish the pics from L/R (Jack, Row, Noel, & Claire) and I must say that I'm proud enough of these that they might be placed on the gallery sometime soon. Today I'll stop the anime themes and just draw my own characters (probably in new clothing or something).
On another note, I've been reading a crap load of Naruto chapters (I had nothing else to do on tuesday) and I think I'm starting to like Shikamaru. As I said before, I see why my friend had my character cosplay as him. Right now I'm actually on chapter 253 (don't believe the other post I made on the other site, and to prove it, I'll spoil you guys by saying that Gaara, the Kazekage, is captured by the Akatsuki) so that means I can start watching the anime...or probably the Naruto movie.
I may add more to this post later on, but for now, I must read the rest of the Naruto chapters. Ja ne!
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Monday, May 30, 2005
35th Post
It's time for another installment of "Murasame's input on Samurai Champloo"! Ok, this week's episode was better. I must say I busted out laughing when I saw Jin tryng to play a song. The series is starting to look up.
Anyways, I continued my "1 a day drawing" thing and have moved on to L/R. I've drawn Jack & Row, which both came out pretty good, and will move on to draw Noel today.
Another thing, I'd like to thank Otemba for choosing Shikamaru for my character to cosplay as. I've been reading Naruto and I read a certain part where Shikamaru talks about his future and I must say, we pretty much almost have the same goals in life....almost.
Moving on guess I don't have anything else to then...Ja ne!
Oh rained yesterday! Yay! I'm slightly motivated to make another comic!
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
34th Post
First of all, I'd like to say, "....hey...I graduated from high school yesterday." It should be a joyous occasion for me, right? Well, it wasn't. I'm also not sad by this occasion. For me, it was like, "...I graduated... man, I'm sleepy..."
After graduation I accomplished my second task; getting to my friend's party. I must say, out of the few parties that I've gone to, this one tops every single one of them. I had lots of fun at that place. A couple of my friends were there and some people there that I didn't want to see. The good thing about all this was that Otemba came by to the party (Once again, thanks for the Madlax DVD). It would have been beter to have Cloud-sama there as well.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I finished drawing Hisui (from Kunoichi)for wed. and Kurenai (from Red Ninja) for thurs. and they both came out ok. My drawing hand was a bit "damaged" the day I drew Kurenai (I played the arcades way too much) so it didn't come out good. I'd say it's the worst out of the 4 shinobi or kunoichi that I've drawn this week. As for friday...I drew 3 of my friends who graduated yesterday in their gowns. I dunno if I'm going to continue the "1 a day drawings" today...I did say I was going to stop at graduation...I'll think about it some more.
Yesteday while I was drawing the c/o 05 pic, I was watching the movie "Onmyoji". It was a pretty damn good movie. Abe no Seimei kicked ass (not literally, but you know). I actually want to see Onmyoji 2 now.
Well, thats it for now. ja ne!
One more thing, I have a problem. I'm going to go to Fry's soon and I'm trying to decide if I should buy .hack//QUARANTINE or if I should buy the LAST EXILE BOXSET W/1st DVD & THE AL FIGURE. Which one should I get?
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
33rd Post
OK! I'm obligated to be proud to announce that I now have my work from animation onto a disc, which I have in my possesion now! So that means I might put up some new pics soon!
Also I'm, by my own free will, proud to announce that the Hotsuma pic came out as an excellent success! Today I'll draw Hisui and hope for the best. The only problem I have is what to draw tomorrow...I have the friday one planned but I can't decide which Kunoichi to draw.
Grduation is closing in on me and I have only one thing to say...I love the episode of Inuyasha where Kagome's kid bro confesses to a girl he likes (it's so cute and funny!). Well, thats all for now! I'm going to watch the 2nd episode of MADLAX now (pretty cool show).
Pi piru piru pi piru pi!
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
32nd Post
To start things off, I finished the Strider pic and I must say it came out better than I thought. Today, as you may know, I will draw Hotsuma from Shinobi and tomorrow I may draw Hisui from Kunoichi. tell you the truth, I will be done with the packet on friday. Yep...I said in the beginning of the year I was going to do the "1 drawing per day" up until graduation, but after doing this for almost half a year I might continue on (which may mean that you'll have to wait a bit longer to see the packet).
Anyway, today I took my tests and...I did pretty damn good! Even in my english class, I got to eat one of those "Star Wars pop tarts". Man, it was good! The actual pop tart was the "lava" one. I was also told that on the box, Darth Vader was promoting that pop tart, and I ask myself, "why in god's name would Darth Vader promote the lava pop tarts? Didn't he get burned by the lava in the eps.3?" I also wondered why the pop tart didn't have little Anakin bodyparts on top.
Well, enough of that. Time to move to anime! Yesterday I watched FMP? Fumoffu and I gotta say that it is hilarious! I'm actually thinking of buying it after I finish Noir. I've been watching another anime that's on AS On Demand for quite some time. It's called Arjuna and I've become quite interested in this anime. Sorry I can't go into details but I got to get going. Ja ne!
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Monday, May 23, 2005
31st Post! (Long Post!)
Ok, now that Ai Yori Aoshi is finished, I can begin the Shinobi/Kunoichi pics! Today I'll don't know...but if I don't come up with something soon, I'll have to draw Hotsuma today instead of tomorrow.
...! Ok, at Firespitter's request (or something like that) I'll draw Strider Hiryu!
Moving on...I'm glad to say that my mother has come back from mexico! Yay! She feels better now but something tells me she's going back soon. Why? Well, because my graduation is coming up soon and it was my bro's idea to bring my mom back (and man, did he hurry!). So yeah...I guess he brought her back so she could see me graduate (unfortunately my bro and my dad will be at work during my grad...stupid school with it's early graduations!).
Ok let's see what else is new....hmm...oh yeah! Samurai Champloo! I saw it and I gotta say that it's slowly getting better. Also, I saw the Inuyasha movie and I gotta say that it was pretty damn good. If there's a movie that has a bad guy (or gal) copying a rare and powerful attack, then it's gotta be good. If I could rate the 1st Inuyasha movie, I'd give it a solid 9...out of 10.
Ok, back to reality. Tomorrow will be my 4th & 5th period tests and I gotta say...I think I'm going to pass those like I did my 1st period's test. In my 5th period class, I found out that in order to pass with at least a 70 in that class, I could take the test and get a 7 (yes, a 7! not a 70!). My 4th period class will be the standard "read paragraph & answer the question" test. Well, thats all for now. Ja ne!
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Saturday, May 21, 2005
30th Post!
Well, the time has come for my announcement...alright, I'm just kidding, there's nothing noteworthy to be said yet.
Ok, let me start off by saying that on thursday evening I chose which anime to draw. It was Ai Yori Aoshi. That day I drew Kaoru and yesterday I drew Aoi, and yes, they both came out pretty good. I haven't chosen a character to draw today so I better get working on that.
Anyway, yesterday I checked out IGN for some news on the E3 convention and I found out that there will be a new DOAX game coming out. This game will feature more games (except football) and will be Xbox Live compatible. Also, I saw that Capcom showed off the Megaman X Collection, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban), Megaman Zero 4, Viewtiful Joe VFX & DS, and a little teaser for the new DMC4 game coming out on the PS3. I personally am looking forward to Gyakuten Saiban. I know it's weird to be expecting to play a court game but from what I seen and heard a year ago, I might buy a DS just to get that one game. Also, I checked out the MGS4 teaser and it is hilarious. I would have never expected Hideo Kojima to pull off something like this. I wish I had some new news about .hack//G.U. but unfortunately, I don't so I'll I guess we'll have to tough this one out. See ya later! Ja ne!
(Update!) I after taking time to think and searching a bit around the web, I decided that the next character I'll draw from Ai Yori Aoshi will be Miyabi. Well, I finished drawing the pic and it came out fairly good.
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
29th Post
Well, now that I've gotten yesterday's events out of my day I can safely say I am now ANXIOUS to get my hands on the new .hack game, .hack//G.U.! I really want to fight that Kite-look-alike!
Moving on...normally this would be the part where I tell you what character I drew and how it went...BUT...since I idiotically forgot to ask a friend if I could borrow a D.N.Angel manga, I'm afraid I have no idea which anime I should move onto next...I must make this decision quick because not only will I have so many hours till the day ends, but I really don't want to miss the live E3 coverage. So I must go out and find another anime quick before I do my Shinobi & Kunoichi drawings. I was probably thinking about Rune Soldier or Nadesico but I wouldn't think it would be a good idea. That's pretty much it for now. Ja ne!
One more thing...when I was talking to one of my friends, he told me that I had long fingers...(long fingers, long hands, whatever). I look at my hands and then at his, and then I notice that it's true...well, not long long, but longer than his. While his palm formed a square, mine was in the form of a rectangle. The only thing I didn't agree with him is that my long fingers wasn't a bad's in fact a good thing. With my "long fingers" I can have a longer reach. Also, I was told that I had long arms...which I find kinda untrue. Anyways, I'd like to know from you guys (or gals) is that if long fingers or a long hand is actually a good thing or not. You already know my opinion so I wanna hear yours.
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
28th Post (Welcome to
Today was a...well, it started out like crap and...well, I'll explain. Today I finally finished my animation but it came out looking pretty low my standards so I won't put it up in deviantart anytime soon.
Second, my mother is still in mexico so I continue to ask for rides and yesterday when I asked for a ride home for today, I was told that they wouldn't be able to give me that sucked big time. So I asked other people for rides...and I got nothing, so I had no choice but to ask for a ride from a friend who gave me one ride home only. I answer...I called again, this time it was like around 9...nothing again so I thought at least I should leave a message...I mean c'mon, when you need a ride that badly, I won't hesitate to leave a message (and my frineds know how much I hate leaving messages). So after that, I went to sleep. Fade to today...I hoped that my friend had gotten the message and had the heart to give me ride...but nothing. So after 5th period, thats when I leave, since I decided I was going to walk home I thought I would pay a visit to one of my teachers. I visited Mrs. O, who's a very cool teacher. I talked to her a bit and when it was time for me to go she asked if I needed a ride. Since she had 6th period off I took her offer and got a ride home. Well, that wasn't a bad day but it got me thinking again that I shouldn't rely on my friends when I need help.
Well moving on, I finished the pic of Jin came out ok...the hand didn't come out too good because I was being distracted by an awsome game to come known as ".hack//G.U."
When I was drawing Jin, I wondered to myself what was the whole "2 Days" thing that I saw when I entered the .hack website 2 days ago? Well, today I got my answer. It was a new .hack game that will be shown in E3. Yes, .hack returns with an all new story and new characters, and yes, it'll be for the PS2. The trailer thats in the site begins with a sentence: "When 'It' was born, the first thing it saw was a 'PK'" and then the initials "A.I.D.A.". If you aren't familiar with the .hack lingo, PK is short for Player Killer. Anyways, the trailer goes on showing the PK doing what he does best; killing players in "The World" using his using style of combat. After the fight scene, you see character names and underneath them, words like "The Terror of Death, the Mirage of Deceit, the Propagation, the Prophet, the Machinator, the Temptress, the Avenger, and the Rebirth". I HAVEN'T PLAYED .hack//QUARANTINE but from the first couple of words, I know that they were seen just before you fought Skeith, Innis, Magus, Fidchell, and Gorre. If any knows about this, please don't tell me. Anyways, you then see the PK walking inside of the chapel in Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground. He hears a noise (if you played .hack, you know which sound it is) and infront of him appears a character. The character is none other than Kite...well, not him exactly, but a...twisted form of the Kite character with a pretty nasty type of dagger. Something snaps in the PK and they end up fighting. I'd tell you the outcome, but you should go to the .hack website and see for yourself...I've spoiled enough of the trailer for ya. Anyways, the G.U. will be up until the 27th of May, if I'm not mistaken, so hurry up and check out the trailer. That's all for now. Ja ne!
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