Gender •
Female Location • Under your couch Member Since • 2005-10-03 Occupation • Cartoonist Real Name • Liz
Achievements • Having the guts to do the Napoleon Dynamite dance at the talent show! ^__^ Anime Fan Since • 1995? Favorite Anime • My Top 5 animes are: Evangelion, FLCL, Revolutionary Girl Utena, DiGi Charat, and Bleach Goals • To be a successful animator Hobbies • Drawing anime/manga, DDR, playing bass guitar Talents • I'm a good dancer and artist! MurdocLuva
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
My Weekend
On Friday I had my eighth grade class night. I GRADUATED! Well, my last day is the 19th. >< The dance was so much fun! The food was delicious (THEY HAD FONDUE!!!) and the music was excellent! ^___________^
Yesterday, I went to see OVER THE HEDGE. IT WAS SO CUTE! My favorite characters were the baby porcupines, Hammy the Squirrel, Stella the skunk, and Heather the possum. PORCUPINEZ!!!!!
Well, I still see that there are too many 3 dimensional animated movies out there. I dream to become an animator and change everyone's views of animation and not let them think about FINDING NEMO (cute movie) when they think of animation. I want to do bidimensional, ya know? DOWN WITH 3D!!! Well, some 3D movies are cute. I just, know... Comments (2) |
Friday, June 9, 2006
Gorillaz: Stuff I have in Common with the Members
What I have in common with:
2-D : Sometimes clueless, likes Napoleon Dynamite, wears absurd t-shirts, collects absurd stuff you'd buy from Spencer's or Newbury Comics, Buddhist.
Noodle: Has dance skills, likes anime/cartoons, likes puppies, Buddhist, have enlarged dissembodied heads in our closets (JK XD), the glue that holds friends together after fighting, likes monkeys, doesn't eat red meat much, optimistic.
Russel: Like to eat, smart, always protecting friends, often left out of everything (tear 4 me, boohoo.).
Murdoc: Can do the pelvic thrust(Yes, I can pelvic thrust. Note that I did the Napoleon dance at the talent show in school), very tall and skinny, left eye gets red (really! After watching TV too much and stuff like that, my left eye gets red!), hyper yet sleepy, likes sweets, into Gothic style. Comments (1) |
Thursday, June 8, 2006
Game on DeviantArt
I did this game on my DA journal already, but wtf, I'll play it again! Questions are asked while your mp3 is on shuffle. The song that plays is the answer to the question.
How does the world see me?
High Life-Daft Punk
Will I live a happy life?
Word Up!-KoRn
What do people really think of me?
Kidnap the Sandy Claws-Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack (okay...?)
Do people secretly lust over me?
She's a Rebel-Green Day
How can I make my self happy?
LetterBomb-Green Day (Nobody likes you...)
What should I do with my life?
Hey Mean Mr. Boss Man-Spongebob Soundtrack (don't ask)
Will I ever have children?
Mother-Puffy AmiYumi
What is some good advice for me?
Nightvision-Daft Punk
What do I think my current theme song is?
Another one bites the dust-Queen
What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
I don't play fair-Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack
What song will they play at my funeral?
White Light-Gorillaz (LOL! I see a white light...)
Why am I here?
Thank you for being a friend-Andrew Gold
What do men/women do you like?
Boulevard of Broken Dreams-Green Day
What is my day going to feel like?
Are we the waiting?-Green Day
What will people remember me for?
The Night Santa went Crazy-Weird Al Yankovic (okay...?)
What song will get stuck in my head tomorrow?
All Alone-Gorillaz
Are there people outside waiting to take me away?
Stray Cats Fever-Puffy AmiYumi
What will this year be all about?
Every Planet we Reach is Dead-Gorillaz
That was fun! I'm doing it AGAIN!!!
How does the world see me?
Digital Love-Daft Punk
Will I live a happy life?
Latin Simone(Que Pasa Contigo)-Gorillaz
What do people really think of me?
Michael-Franz Ferdinand (I AM NOT GAY! GAYS ROCK BUT I'M NOT GAY!)
Do people secretly lust over me?
Fire coming out of a monkey's head-Gorillaz (okay, now that sounds perverted)
How can I make myself happy?
Superheroes-Daft Punk
What should I do with my life?
To The Rescue-Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack
Will I have children?
I Love Rocky Road-Weird Al Yankovic (Guess they'll be those annoying dirty sticky kids. I love kids, but the sticky ones are all bleah. No offense to all you sticky kidz out there.
What is some good advice me?
Puffy's Rule-Puffy AmiYumi
What do I think my current theme song is?
Sucks to be you-Prozzak(aka SIMON AND MILO!)
What do other people think my current theme song is?
Eat it-Weird Al Yankovic
What song will play at my funeral?
Why am I here?
True Asia-Puffy AmiYumi
What will people remember me for?
Electric Zoo-Spongebob Soundtrack (Still, don't ask)
What song will get stuck in my head tomorrow?
Song 2-Blur (WOOHOO!)
Are there people outside waiting to take me away?
Undiscovered-Ashlee Simpson
What will this year be all about?
Without Me-Eminem
So, play this game on your journal! Have fun! ^__^