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myOtaku.com: Music Is In Me

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dontbesadbehappy (02/08/06)

ummi weas checking my gb and now i have like 8 new gb sigs and i ws doing some research online for reading on 1970 but ya w/e......hmmmi guess i should be doing that right now...sigh okay bye! ^_^ sorry it took so long to sign ur gb now

EdwardElricThe2nd (02/06/06)


Nihao! Like the site. Coolio colors and what not. Nice. Well anywho, would you liketh to meh friend for eternity until the moon crashes down on Hawaii? n_n I thought so. Do you wanna be meh friend??? Drop by meh site sometime. I'm not one of those stupid ppl that demand to be visited everyday, but just like once a year would be nice. lol n_n.Well I do hope to hear from you sometime! Tootles! CULATER!
Idiots do cool things.

That's why it's cool.
"They say that catching a mere rabbit takes every bit of a lion's strength..."- Edward Elric

"There will be an extremely bright red sunrise in the next two or three days. That will signal the end of this planet. There will be a major earthqueake after that, so be careful. When the earthquake is over, there will be a brief pause, and then the end will come. I'm sorry, but it will be an excrutiatingly painful end."-Chise

"Don't touch her! I'll kill you!"-Wrath

"When the end of the world comes, promise that we'll be together?"-Chise

� � �

�� Fullmetal �heer�o King knowz bestiestz. d� watz rite & don't do da drug�! �.� thanxie�! n_n 

- �our friend �dw��d�l�̢Th�nd ♣♠♣♠
ps thanx for signing meh gb!♥

Maiden of life (02/05/06)

Thanx so much 4 signin my gb^^
I luv ur site!
I hope we can be great friends=^^=
Well, catcha l8erz Ja ne!!!^-^

♥Lt. Colonel Alchemict of Life♥

ririchan12 (02/04/06)

hi your site is cool thanx 4 sighing my gb

Mariko Skyfire (02/04/06)

Thanks for signing my GB. You have a nice site here. I'll try to stop by every now and then.

Mai711 (02/02/06)

nice syte

eldertenchi (01/18/06)

yeah you've got the music in u alright music and flava keep up the writing

Aeryc (01/14/06)

The peoms and things on your site are beautiful! I love it!

Come visit me sometime! TTFN ^_^

EvilMonkey (01/12/06)

umm...nice site,keep it up,later.

peace and love to anime,

Musicisonlyme (01/09/06)

Thanks for signing my guest book, looking forward to talking to you.

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