Birthday 1992-12-10 Gender
Female Location Nowhere, New Jersey Member Since 2007-01-13 Occupation Scene Machine Real Name Bam Bam
Achievements making artistically talented in 6th grade technology class Anime Fan Since i first saw KiKi's flying delivery service Favorite Anime Hellsing, Blood +, Trinity Blood, Fooly Cooly, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, and Trigun Goals to get honor role this year Hobbies drawing anime Talents drawing anime My Deadly Wound
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hey guys, today wasn't so good (just getting to the point i guess). Well i had recently dumped my boyfriend Corey because he was way too controlling and lives over an hour away. I told him he could do better. So i just recently found out from his best friend that he is already dating another girl even tho he asked me out again last saturday and i told him i'd think about it. So the worst part is, is he went searching for a girl with the same name as me to spite me. So now he's dating this girl named Katie all because i dumped him even though he told me he would never date again unless it was me,
I just wish he would disappear off the face of this planet.
here are some pictures to show how i feel:
Hey guys, I'm back for awhile. I know it's been so long since i made a decent post but i was so busy with myspace and gaiaonline. So how have you all been? I've been pretty ok, just a bit lonely. I really want to spend more time on otaku. I just need a reason lol so if anyone can give me a reason i would so totally appreciate it. Well it really has been long. The last smart post i made was at the beginning of my freshman year and know I'm getting ready to take mid-terms lol. So i would love to talk to you all so just PM me. What did you all get for Christmas? I got a hamster and and iPod touch. They're just soooo cool. My hamster's name is Momo but we call her/him Nibbler cuz he/she bites alot and hard T_T. So what's good guys please hit me back. I'll try to post everyday but I've promised that before lol. But I promise i will try. I will even write it on my arm '^' btw that a little retarded nodding face lol. so i guess since I haven't been on for so long I'll post pics :D.
well my first day of high school was today. WHICH KICKED ASS! we get to leave campus grounds for lunch and i went to Pat's pizzeria with my sophomore friends. I also got arm pit hugged (someone shoves ur face in there arm pit) 3 times by an old friend Nick Medica. All my upperclassmen did the back to lakeside (our middle school) chant which was funny cuz me and cupcake (longroadlonewolf) stuck the middle finger up at all of them. My homeroom teacher's name on my schedule was M. Hoffman so cupcake and I kept saying it was Matt Hoffman... but it was some old lady. Then my science teacher Mr. Yuhas was talking to me about my fingerless gloves because the said the used (best band ever) on them. he asked what kind of music do they play and i said loud so he asked if it was hard rock and i said it was more like screaming in your face loud. All around it was a fun day. tomorrow we have a pep rally so i get to leave early cuz i'm in the color guard. w00t. well i'll try to write back tomorrow.