Birthday 1992-12-10 Gender
Female Location Nowhere, New Jersey Member Since 2007-01-13 Occupation Scene Machine Real Name Bam Bam
Achievements making artistically talented in 6th grade technology class Anime Fan Since i first saw KiKi's flying delivery service Favorite Anime Hellsing, Blood +, Trinity Blood, Fooly Cooly, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, and Trigun Goals to get honor role this year Hobbies drawing anime Talents drawing anime My Deadly Wound
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Now i know you all missed me, so show your love and comment. Well what has everyone been up to. I've been pretty busy with parties, dances, friends, and school just so many things to do. You know i've missed you all and i hope you missed me. Well i'm having a Renji obsession if it isn't to obvious. Well if you want to talk just PM me i'll be here. bye byes.
sorry i've been gone for awhile, be back Thursday, here is something for you to remember me by
Renji is a real man *drools*
My Sexy Watanuki Kimihiro
Sexy Ichigo
bye byes
Well i figured by what you see in my profile it's obvious i like Bam margera and alot of death metal music. But i have to say Bam Margera isn't a very good idol, which is why he isn't my idol. i have an idol for the three following categories: Real poeple, cartoon people, and animated people. Well when you get done reading this i hope you know a little more about me.
Up first is real people and who could be a better idol than the queen of darkness Amy Lee from Evanescence:
Now for cartoon people/robot, the best of them all the most brilliantly sarcastic robot ever... Bender:
This was the hardest of all of them, but meet my anime idol, Real Mayer from Ergo Proxy, a goth chick with a gun. How could i not want her as my idol?: