Birthday • 1992-12-10 Gender •
Female Location • Nowhere, New Jersey Member Since • 2007-01-13 Occupation • Scene Machine Real Name • Bam Bam
Achievements • making artistically talented in 6th grade technology class Anime Fan Since • i first saw KiKi's flying delivery service Favorite Anime • Hellsing, Blood +, Trinity Blood, Fooly Cooly, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, and Trigun Goals • to get honor role this year Hobbies • drawing anime Talents • drawing anime My Deadly Wound
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Well i'm practicing my banner making skills and i thought what better way than to make you guys some. So if you want a banner PM me or comment on what person you want on your banner and what you want it to say. Well that's all bye byes.
My friend Nakita and I made a shared site and we would appericiate it if everybody could sign the guestbook. The site is called Svenny Baby so please check it out. It took alot of time to make and the theme is Black Cat.well thats all i have to say. bye byes.
I won't be here for three days starting wednesday.WEDNESDAY NOT TODAY. Moria Nakita and i are going Washington for 3 days for a school feild trip. also for the singing contest we are doing the bird and the worm not famous last words. if you want to hear the songs theyre on my playlist. ok today i got in alot of trouble. i was talking to my friend Liz and she "accidently" knocked my binder over. all the papers came out so i went through them to throw some things out. the sub started yelling that i wasnt doing my work. so i completely ignored her and kept cleaning my papers. Then she yelled, "CLOSE YOUR BINDER AND DO YOUR WORK" so i yelled, "HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO DO MY WORK WITH MY BINDER CLOSED." she told me not to give her any back-sass and to see her after class. well before the class ended i finished my work and proceeded to clean my binder. so i threw out all the papers and my friend Albion and i stomped in the recycling bin and papers went everywhere. so she got pissed and yelled to pick it up. so Albion and I picked up a piece of paper and sat down to watch her pick the rest up. then after class she yelled at me about some senseless bull shit. so i said dont give me any back-sass and i walked out of the room leaving her stunned. it was fricken hilarious. well thats all i got for today. bye byes.