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Evil ruler of the duckcows. I'm sure everyone know's about the duck cows. You know, the ones that cary that mad duck cow disease?
Real Name
I wish I had some... *sob*
Anime Fan Since
two days ago. Or maybe it was two minutes ago... dang memories!!!
Favorite Anime
death note and other stuff. The list goes on and on...
draw better anime.
taking over canada. Thats about as deep as it gets.
being stupid and seeking revenge on my enimies. But they totally deserve it!!!
| my love joshua
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Guestbook Entries:
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tarhata (03/01/06)
hey my love joshua i like your site it's so cute!!!!!!!!!!! can you add me as a friend i already added you
AngelDust22 (02/15/06)
Hey, I luv ur site it look sooooooooo cool^o^.Can I add u to my friend and PM me anytime ur bore, Okie;D.Again, luv ur site and hope we can be friend.WEll, gotta go now but hope u'll visit me sometime^-^♥
error (01/27/06)
Hey you added me as a friend thankin you very much so I like friends.Well your site is nice and thank ou for the nice compliments and whos stephen and omg you cant tae over canada my godfather lives there *gasp* Plus my best friend (POODLE POWER) is taking over the whole world so ya know.
Reoku-Himura (01/26/06)
*signs in purple* Thanks alot for the completment ^_^ And welcome to Myotaku if you need any help this one is glad to provide it, if she can't she'll sure point you to some one who can. ^_^x
FMAngel (01/26/06)
Hey! thx. for signing my gb. Your site is really interesting XP ill add you as a friend. ^.^
*~Love & Peace*~
angelservant010 (01/26/06)
Hello there, Shelby.
It is like a chain of events when you sign someone's guestbook. (:P
So don't worry about it. People will come naturally. (^_^ If you have a journal or drawings, people will look though it it takes timey whiney.
You added me as a friend so, I'm obliged to add you as well.
Let's see how we get on, aye? (^_^
Later friend.
~wishing upon a starlight~
BloodyWings17 (01/25/06)
second to sign, not bad XD
thanks for the gb singnature
im flattered! im being refered now hell yeah ^_^
ill add you as a friend, as well as Stephen_my_love
hey, is there something special about your name? does it refer to a bf or something? -_^
see ya,
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