I'm BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey whats up everyone. I know I�ve been gone for a long time but I got a virus from the otaku but I fixed it. And then I got really sick I got a 103 temp I got to miss a week of school and now I�m at how I change my back ground too Its salior moon I love sailor moon its my frist anime I ever saw.
Hey whats up. I had a good day today I have this class that made me change my lunch but I wasn't made at all because I no a lot of people there well see ya
How are guys doing? I've been making more pic to put up and I'm almost done with them. I hope you like them when I'm done Comments (0) |
Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Hey whats uo today was boring thats all I have to say
Whos on devianArt? Cause I'm on it now and man I have no idea what i'm doing on there. The only reason I went on there is because my friend said its better than the otaku. Well I don't no about that you just have to see about that for your self. Well anyways today I went to school like a good little girl I'm and went to all my classs, but it was soooooo boring. but after school my friend got in to a fight it was a big one they had knives and well I didn't get to see the rest I went home or I'll be late. so I'm going to call my friend brother and see what happen after I. left. well that all I did today. Boring uh?
today I got a new backpack its yu gi oh. Nad I triped today waliking to the bus stop. I fall pertty bad I cut me arm mleg and a lot sraches. that what happen today oh and tommorrow I'm going to send a letter to this collage I want to go to ^_^ see ya
Hello To everyone
Hey whats up. well I'm at home right now. I can't wait till Feb 13. I track season YESSSSS. This time I'm going all the way with track and field. If I lucky I will throw 22 feet for shot put. And for people who don't no what that is, its a metal balll that ways 12 pounds and you throw but not like a baseball or your out of the game. I mite run this year, I don't no. well back to my studys cause I have to pass all my classes with a B- and lets just say I'm not the smartes of kids these days. well see ya
Yes now my site is loveless!!! Don't you love them and if you don't too bad.Well I went to englsh and guess what I got on my Final.........C+ YESSSSSSSSS. I so Glad. well I hope you guys had a cool day to. So here is Loveless ep 2