Hey whats up everyone Its almost over the school year only 7 days left and Im not counting today or the weeken. Ok how do you like my wallpaper I found it on this site but i can't tell you because I forgot sorry well Im having a party in class today even though its not allowed I don't no why maybe cause its a new school well that all I got to day bye, and just because of summer school I may not get on the otaku that much over the summer sorry.
I hate my life I have
I try to fit in
But I can't
My so called friends are never here for me
when i need them when I want to go with my so called friend the make up something that i can't go So I sit in my room all day
I think I not here I m just in a world of hate Comments (2) |
school is almost over this is going to be the best summer ever!! and next year Im gonig to be a Jr. oh ya Im almost done with school for ever weeeeeee. but the end of this year suck I have 3 finals do next week on the same day but who can blame the tacher I can well bye Comments (0) |
Wednesday, June 8, 2005
I did it
I did it ya I so rock for so long it wouldn't work but now I have a pic up weeeeeeeee Comments (0) |
Hey whats up sorry about the othere day with the post I was trying to post up a pic but something went wrong with it we Lets see if it works today I don't think so well bye for now
I Found it!!!
Hey whats up I found it I found My Rivers of blood story I will post it up in a day or two. and i added a new person name seimei hes really cool and hes going to kivk some @$$!! well intill I post my story Bye for now MuhahahahaMuhahahah Comments (0) |