my slowdance
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Saturday, September 9, 2006
time: 7:46 pm
song: I want You Back
"Son of dork"
feeling: mad.
today is saturday.
boring day. for us,
toonami doesnt show till
sunday. ahh sucks.
myspace doesnt want me to
sign in.
it said thee's something
wrong with my profile
like gosh man.
so yeah. i got homework
to lazy [who isn't]
im in a middle of situation.
yeah relationships :L
i broke up with him cause of reasons
he thinks i like my best friend
cause i like to talk to him alot
it sucks
1.what would you do if you
were in the situation i am?
don't need to answer it.
myspace dork;;
"now that im losing hope - paramore"
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Friday, September 8, 2006
time: 8:50pm
song: none
feeling: scared xL
dude im freaking out
scary movie.
dude so much screaming.
well today sucked.
hmm remember that girl
i told you about
yeah. she stopped talking
to me but im okay with it.
yup that's it mostly
the idiot in distress;;
slowdance x33
don't get aids
its a disease that
makes you stupid lol. >.<
^ my friends made fun of it
lol ^^
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Thursday, September 7, 2006
song: runaway
by " cartel
feeling: hmmm curious
anyways today was okay.
it's nothing i expected
this is what happened
i went to the movies with my dude
friend kyle cause i had no one else
to hang out with. =[
so yeah carrying on
there's this girl that like him
and so on
she was bribing this girls that
were like kyle n my friends to go
away if she gives them money [wtf]
and then yeah. she tried to bribe me
but it didn't work hah.
this is what she try to do to me n him
1.listen to my convo w/ him
2.check if we were doing something
while drinking her drink
1.hold his hand
2.lean on his shoulder
my gosh. man i got so annoyed.
i wanted to leave
when the movie was over...
drama happened between him n her
at the food court
i was sad.
but still annoyed.
she was stalking us
she was forcing me to tell
him to talk to her ughh she even
hit me w/ her ass
and i almost fell grrr.
and then we left
end of flashback
it was long so i had to make it short
well kind of.
he's still mad at her
and she keeps bothering me
well i gotta study
here's some icons [yaoi= ¢¾];;
i love pikachu
&& it's a secret;;
slowdance x33
i'd swear i'd rip my heart out
if you say you would be
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Wednesday, September 6, 2006
time: 7:56 pm
song: Throwing Paper Airplanes
"rescue the astronants"
feeling: excited
so like anyways
im feeling okay.
thanks to you guys
today at school
we didn't really do anything <3
because tomorrow is our fieldtrip
so awesome
hmm i found out who took my locker
i hold a grudge
but not for long so yeah.
i bought another padlock
my layout
so i changed my layout cause
i got annoyed yesterday
cause of what happened xP
i hope you guys like it.
adios amigos;;
[dance with me just dance and
we'll rock out loud]
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Tuesday, September 5, 2006
time: 7:03
song: One slow Dance
by "Halifax"
feeling: mad and tired
i kind of wanna make this short
cause i have to do my homework.
well my day today
was so effing messed up
gosh man
at first period since today is flip flop
which means my classes go backwards
besides 6th,7th,and 8th grade lunch
so it's like 8th,7th, and so on
but yeah, at first period
someone fucking took my locker
like ahhhh!!!!
gosh man my fucking shit are in there
even my math book
if i lose that i'll get so much in
trouble and my friend's book is in there
too.. NOOOO!
man i didnt have time to tell my teacher
because i had to go to my bus.
this shit is gay.
i got so mad i was holding onto my
lead pencil tight cause i wanted to stab the
person who took it.
sigh i couldn't control myself
so i guess i kinda cried at home
i know weird. and emo but don't label
i hate it.
oh yeah, yesterday
i accidentally deleted the icons so
they couldn't show :[[
well i'm outs. im so tired from crying
they were the reason why she got mad;;
slowdance x33
[speak now, you must have a secret, so speak now and runaway]
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Monday, September 4, 2006
song:beauty in the breakdown by
the scene aesthetic
so umm sorry
for not updating at myO yesterday.
i heard there was problems
so i didn't bother.
yeah it's so gay
i was suppose to go to the beach
but. they [my auntie] cancelled it
cause of stupid reasons
i got mad.
so i figured out that instead of going to
the beach how about the mall.
so i asked my mom
but.... she said no also T_T
so yeah. i spend most of my time
at my house playing the computer going
through people's sites and signing their
sigh. i bet you people had a fun day
am i right or am i right XD
so like 5th week of school is coming up
and i already have a field trip
sweet ^^
yeah yeah i guess that's all
here's some icons i found
go ahead and take them
i don't care. besides even if i
say not to, i know you guys wont listen
so yeah
yup yup i guess that's it
-the idiot who can play the guitar-
slowdance x33
lets make a "teenage love story" with a happy ending <3
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Friday, September 1, 2006
song:Yo're Not Alone - Homegrown
feeling: hyperlicious *woot woot*
well as you can see....
i changed my theme
yes to cloud
hey it's random
and i love it.
McDonald's Im Loving It <3
my day
well today is Friday so
*cheerleader pops out and cheers*
well i'll talk about my day.
watched a movie about predators
intresting. yes it really was
haha i sound stupid
well carrying on
take notes
PE had to sit on the blechors
went to my friend's b-lated birthday
party *cheers*
started laughing for no reason
i guess that's it.
hehe laters. i'll visit your
sites maybe later
<3 erika
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Thursday, August 31, 2006
hey all
well i signed 3 people's guestbook today.
since i was bored.
guess i've been gone for a while huh
i was busy
earlier before i was signing people's guestbooks
i was learning new songs on the guitar.
i can play part of it since the song is long
they're all by Secondhand Serenade.
2.I Hate This Song
3.Last Song Ever
gotta love them. They're really good. If You Don't I'll stab you...hehe i kid. i feel bored
i started saying i'll stab you now. heh weird.
i guess since my teacher always tells us [my whole class] to shut up. yes yes. but i forget to bring my spork.
i bought it off ebay. really cheap you know. lol
i was joking. i feel hyper. for no reason and i
even have my period like wtf!?
well i guess that's all
¢¾ erika
[i like to move it, move it :D]
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Sunday, August 27, 2006
time:5:20 pm
listening:Life Is A Garden by Greeley Estates
sorry sorry
i know i didn't update for such a while
im really sorry
i tried too
but my little brother and dad
takes the computer from me.
well my weekend is over since today is sunday
more classwork
well anyways
i went to the mall yesterday
with my family to eat out
cause my mom was lazy to cook [lazy bum]
so yeah.
i didnt eat and my brother didn't too
so we went to the arcade
since my brother is short to ride
the bumper cars, is scared to ride the rollar coaster, and the pirate ship was too small for
him. while i was at the arcade, i saw my friends,
they asked me if i wanted to hangout with them
but i couldn't cause i had to watch my bro.
grrr. well when i went to get tokens, my brother pushed me down lol because i didnt want to give
him. it was embarrassing but still funny
well yeah i guess that's all that mostly happened
saturday. kinda boring huh :P
to anime K:
this is for you like i promised :)
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Thursday, August 24, 2006
listening: Kimberly vegas by Radio Pirate DJ
feeling: umm i dont know hehe
like finally
sorry for not updating.
yes i know, it's been a while
but i got to visit your sites right?
well, i changed my theme
to Inu Yasha
i just thought of doing that since
i couldn't think what anime should i use
well one more day of school and it'll be the weekends. yessh..
i got one more year till i go vegas[gambling baby]
hehe i feel hyper
to animeK: yay! man almost your birthday
we gonna party and have a cake fight =D
haha it's gonna be wild.
the dork,
erika :D [and i love beening one]
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