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myOtaku.com: MyAnimeLife

Monday, June 5, 2006

my weekend and the result or my S.S. test

well,it turns out that i didnt fail my s.s. test and got a 100%,and i was pretty relieved cuz i didnt even study...i dont have time to and partly dont want too so all i do on my study time is draw draw draw.but i havent drawn anythang cuz i first stare at my notebook trying to think of what to draw but wen i actually think o something its dinner timme and after dinner i forget what i was going to draw and im using runon sentences amnt i?well the only drawings i finished was a girl walkin in da rain,me and my friends,and a school girl with a huge ax...yesterday was my younger sis's b-day,but i was at(or in)a parade for like 4 hours and at my friend's former neighbors graduation/b-day party...so we didnt get to her party until 8:30,or something like that,i wrote(typed)a lot didnt i?well gota go(man!my hands r sosososososo sore!)

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