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myOtaku.com: MyChem

Thursday, April 5, 2007

   I feel fat today. *pout* like, really fat. And my fingers are all cramped up from the weather, and my legs hurt, and so many other things are going wrong today that it all just sucks. There's over a foot of snow on the ground now, meaning i can't fight it anymore, and it's just....AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! you know? You ever feel like screaming at the top of your lungs? Cuz i really wanna.

This morning, i woke up and some of my haie was sticking out to the side. Not a lot of it, cuz not much of it is long enough to really stick out, but it just looked so stupid and funny that i had to mention it. The pet detective had nothing on me.

I cooked dinner for Courtney tonight, because i'm here anyways and felt like being helpful. We had burgers and fries, and they were yummy.

Yesterday, I watched most of the kingdom hospital episodes. They were on scifi. I love the little girl and the ant eater. They make such cool characters. Besides, it's steven king. How can you not like his stuff? Unless of course, it happens to be...IT...*shudder*

I am probably very obviously bored, because you probably don't give a shit about what's not going on in my life, unless you're one of two very special people. But i felt like babbling. So i did.

I am jelous of every person who has ever hugged you, because for that moment, they held my entire world in their arms.

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