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myOtaku.com: MyChem

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

   hi hi
I stayed home sick yesterday. I could barely talk and my nose was so stuffed up i could barely breathe. It was horrible. But I haven't had a day off in a long time, so I don't see why I shouldn't have stayed home feeling so ill. My dad seems to have seen reason enough though, and got mad at me. So most of the day, I stayed in my room, reading Helter Skelter and listening to music.

Today I walked around the school track while I ate lunch with Sarah and it was fun. We talked of boyfriends and love and life, then we sat on the grass and got bitten by ants. It hurt. :(

So now im just having fun on the net, looking around, adding this post, wanting to read more of Helter Skelter and having to pee really bad. I have a stomache ache too. And my shoulder feels like somebody poked it really hard like "Hey im a tough guy". But if that had really hapened, i would have poked him back, and probably punched him in the face. The maybe it wouldn't bother me so much that it hurt.

So what are you guys up to this week?

Im trying to stay all caught up in my classes, and doing pretty well at it. Im also trying not to fart in class right now, but i'm really gassy. LOL

I am jelous of every person who has ever hugged you, because for that moment, they held my entire world in their arms.

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