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myOtaku.com: MyChem

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Hullo. I return again. :)
I went to sand lake last weekend, and like a TOTAL DUMBASS, layed on the beache for several hours, without sunscreen. So guess who's legs are burned and swolen and blistered. Mine. Yes. And i'm feeling the pain, most definetly. I've been trying not to cry when i have to stand up, it hurts THAT much. Anywho...

What have you guys all been up to lately? Aside from the obvious, i've just been hanging around with my track buddies, and having fun playing pokemon gold edition. You laugh and i will kill you. I'm hungry right now. And I kind of have to pee. Which makes no sense because i peed before i left the house. Oh well.
Saturdy, if my burn permits, i'm going to run a 5-K race, and it will be fun. I wonder if im actually gonna be able to place in it, or just complete it... Hmm...
Toodles my lovelies. I miss my hunnies. *kisses*
~Teri~ I am jelous of every person who has ever hugged you, because for that moment, they held my entire world in their arms.

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