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Sunday, September 9, 2007

   Cross country and life
Well, i'm not sure if i mentioned it earlier or not, but at the end of school last year, i joined the cross country track team. Well, so far, we've had four meets. The first one, i dint run because i didnt have the right shoes. The second one, i didnt finish because i was dying from thirst. But the last two, one of which was in 90 degree weather, went well. At charlevoix i did 7 minutes better than at east jordan. Yay for me. So that's going well. I enjoy it. Maybe not the actual running part, but the benefits and friends i've gotten are enough to keep me interested.

School's finally started up again, so i should be able to do little posts a lot more often. I got most of the classes i wanted, aside from astronomy, but i will not be swayed next year. I love world historay and psychology. They're very interesting and involved classes.

On the thirteenth of this month, my wonderful wonderful sister Token will be coming up for a coupkle of weeks, and she's going to cheer me on at my runs. yay!

Anyways, that's all for now, but i promise to speak again soon. ttyl!
~Bobbi~ I am jelous of every person who has ever hugged you, because for that moment, they held my entire world in their arms.

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