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myOtaku.com: MyChem

Sunday, October 21, 2007

hello again.
I'm having a very good week. Cross Country only has until the 27th for the end of the season run. I'm so happy it's finally going to be over. It's not that I don't like it or anything, but it's very tiring having no time to yourself because of practices and races. I've been doing much better in it lately though. After the snow goes away and it's spring time again, i'm going to run six miles three times a week to get better. It's going to be horrible. And painful. But my shin splints are almost all gone now, so it wont be too bad.
I put up a new wallpaper, if anybody wishes to see it. I'm sure you know how to by now. I wish I had a scanner so i could put manga up online. but i dont, so i cant and it makes me sad. I am jelous of every person who has ever hugged you, because for that moment, they held my entire world in their arms.

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