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Friday, December 22, 2006


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this is sis right here she looks like a friggin model!

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Left to right:
Akamaru, Hinata, Kiba, Shika and another Kiba.
Hope you can see it all.

Be safe!!

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Monday, December 4, 2006

EEEEEEEEEEP! oh the irony of it all!
Hiya ! Heres a verrrry short peom!

A gasping sob escapes the throat
Washing the tearstained face with stinging soap
Dismayed, disoriented, depressed and dreary
Sadness, Self-scorn, shame but no fury
Throat tightens and then comes the trembling
The room stifling, the despair deepening
The lust, it grows, the lust of thou's own blood
But stay away from what thou could
It grows, the longing for an eternal sleep
But thou shall not indulge the blood lust instead, weep
Thoughts run amok throughout thy mind
The feeling that cannot be defined
The cries are silent for someone
It seems this time the resilience is truly done

Ack! I would post up pics of the anime convention from saturday but someone just had to take my camera along with its dear memory card -_- Nyah! Hey so question does anyone know what 'smexy' exactly means?

I will post pics tomorrow of the anime fest!

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

SORRY! I have kept forgetting to delete some stuff in my msg box *cheesy smile* Anywho XxxloverxslavexxX, my apologies! I kept forgetting =P Alright then I leave you now with a farewell.

Here's Ed. You may have seen these many times before =>

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I love Ed, I'm torn between Mustang and Ed. ^^

kay so message box emptied kay message me!!

if you want

be safe Laterdays!

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Friday, November 10, 2006

new poem! lol So how you guys been doing?
Desire? Sorrow?

Bleeding wounds never sewn
A magnificent friendship I have blown
What idiocy my hand has created
These tears unlock flooding, resilience faded
Paint my soul the color of blood
While I search through the thickened mud
For something that I'll never obtain
Because my search, I believe, is in vain
Stop the beating of my heart
So that healing can finally start
Devour my soul oh will you please
It's the least I can give to you, to make my peace
This is my fault so I must take my leave
Escape the tangled web that I've weaved
I must say I crave something that I will probably never attain
But my wish for you is for your dreams never to be slain
I'll take this pain forever if it means you'll be happy
If it is so with a smile on my face I shall die
Sorry this written thought is torn between my desires and my sorrow
For you and what I'll be like tomorrow
The reader would probably wonder bewildered
Because this I've written is babbled
Ripped between self-hatred and eternal worry
This rant is making no sense, I bet, to no one but me
Apologies once again I get on my knees, begging
That someday my transgressions will be forgiven

"Devour my soul oh will you pleeeeaaase? Make my soul the main course of your feast! "
Um so some of this poem I might use to make it into a song... What do you think?

phew its been a while since i have posted =P How ya doing?

So like feedback! lol please and thank you
and do me a favor?
Be safe out there!
'kay Laterdays!

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Sunday, October 1, 2006

I am so lucky and so grateful for it!!
*cries really hard in happiness and gratefulness* My friends rock... Sis aka Faye aka Demon I love you so much!! Dani aka Danielle aka Wheezy you too! And Holly aka hollywood you of course too! I'm so damn grateful! Thank you God!!@!!!!! *sniffs* XxxloverxslavexxX you rock!!! Everyone rocks!! I'm so grateful!!!

Anywho I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for my last poem!! (the title) If so please do tell! lol okay be safe and Laterdays!

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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Poem thingy.. ? lol
The lung�s ability to inflate and deflate loses it
One thing triggered this,I can't breathe, lightheaded from the powerful hit. Feeling loss and terribly weak.
Tears fall as my knees and the cold, hard floor meet.
Here it is, this frightening, deep plunge into darkness, of heartbreak it reeks.
Overwhelmed, I plummeted into the breakdown that I had tried so desperately to deny
As it filled my mind and heart of shattered strength I cry.
I had been doing so well to keep my emotions at bay
Somewhere along the line the strength started to decay.
Appalled by myself for my mistakes and cowardice
I think of how hard I try to conceal pain behind attitudes of bliss
Then it rushes to me and I shamefully see how selfish it is
Thinking of how so many others have it brutally worse
I�m lucky to be me grateful to the pores
I sob intensely as my voice feels hoarse
This time not for myself but for those who endure the unbearable
For children without parents or family or food at the table
For children with parents that don�t take care of their family
For those who have watched loved ones through illness and death passing by
For those who work themselves to exhaustion and keep going afterwards
For those that have pain like walking barefoot through some bloody glass shards
Never failing or faltering
Those that just keep going
I weep for those who decide not to keep living and for those with no choice.
So I feel grateful and ashamed as I wipe away the moist.
Ashamed at my weakness and grateful for what I�ve got
I know I have a lot
And with that I strive to better myself and help anyone in need
Grateful and embracing the new found strength and faith that I will heed

So I don't know what the title should be.. any suggestions? Well I'm sorry if it doesn't measure up to expectation. It was better when I came up with it in my head but I didn't have any paper =< so this isn't as good

I missed Bleach and Trinity Blood last night!! *sobs* I was sick and the stupid medicine kicked my rear *sobs some more* damn you medicine with an evil agenda!!!!


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Sunday, September 10, 2006

Last night
Hi! well did anyone watch Bleach and Trinity Blood? I did, almost missed it though, I had a great time with sis, Holly, and Danielle watching V for Vendetta, Naruto and a little bit of When a Stranger Calls. It was fun. I'm tired though and not looking forward to tomorrow being a school day... Anyhow Laterdays!
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Friday, August 18, 2006

Some sort of poem I wrote
With time that passes, it proves to be harder
My heart aches a dull pain, my eyes begin to water
Leaving words unspoken and emotions undefined
My heart and mind now begin to coincide
The fault falls upon me, that I know and deplore
Mourning silently for the bond that I tore
Warm tears of ineffectuality fall as my heart sings a woeful song
I shattered the time left with you
Someone who I had felt true to
In the past, you striked down my confidence, yet I still held you dear
For when I had been slightly melancholic, you'd catch my every tear
Our friendship was once a vivid flower, now withered gray
I gradually detached myself with each passing day
In fear of you seeing my sadness beneath optimism and my hidden worries
That you would sigh, thinking of me as pathetic with my emotional injuries
Countless times have I longed for your embrace
Wishing for the strength to look you straight in the face
Without having to see that look of exasperation caused by me
I wished I could have handled my troubles swiftly
So I could have come to you, the drift would have sealed quickly
Now I wistfully wonder shall I ever reveal the facts to your unaware ears...

'Kay sorry its all yuck you know ? lol laterdays!

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Saturday, August 5, 2006

Interesting days passing
Well today I have quite a bit to wrap up.. unfortunately. (Too much stuff going on in this world!! whirlwind it is!) So many things to do! I won't say so little time because if I'm organized I could finish in time. Yet I know that can never be (really bad organizational skills). Anyhow I started reading a book called northern lights.. very good and I'm starving to finish it! Scary because school for me on monday, meaning I shouldn't focus all my energy on finishing the book!! I should be doing what I need to do.. I'm stalling. *Yawns* Very tiring day. *hops up* Well! I'm off to conquer uncharted territory!! Laterdays!

PS I miss all my friends! Okay BE SAFE PEOPLE!!!! Please!! lol bye-bye!

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Saturday, July 22, 2006

Just wanted to say thanks to Gai!! For pointing out that my pm stuff was like overweight! I didn't know that it could be overfilled! (bonks head) (computer retarded sometimes) lol

Okay people! BE SAFE!!
much love bye-bye!

oh and Demon!! K.O.D's site is cool!! Halen is so funnny when he sang in that video!

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