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In my little fantasy world...
Member Since
Real Name
I haven't died... >.> <.<
Anime Fan Since
I was an anime fan since... well... up to here. -.-
Favorite Anime
Um... Di*Gi Charat? Yes! Of course it is Di*Gi Charat! =^___^=
Get as much anime or mangas as I can!! ( I have a long way to go... )
Anime, Manga, Yaoi
I don't have any talents! o.O *sniff...
| Mystic Black Fox
Monday, July 17, 2006
My parents are divorced and I live with my mom. We live in the same town as my dad, and he lives so close we can just walk to his house when we want and see him. ^^
But it all changed! O-O Because... My mom made me and my older sister move... and my younger step-sister.
It's because my mom just got married to her boyfriend and now she wants to start a "new life". Or whatever. Ya know... who cares. I was fine with it, because we were moving to a nearby town and I could still go to my school and see my friends and all. Until where she told me where we were moving.
Then I was all, "Oh, we're moving to that crappy town!" >.<
And it is. o.o Our neighbors are loud, and our house has NO DOORS! What's up with that?! >__< Everyone has animals, but "we" can't. Meh...
But I've learned to accept it, if it'll make my mom happy... I look on the positive side. I have my own room? Yah... ( I used to share with my older sister, but we're so used to having the same room we stay in her room one day, and then stay in my room for a day. -_- )
The only bad things ( three main bad things ) that have happened so far are...
1. I have earned money by doing lawns and painting four houses to buy me a new TV. A bigger one! ^ ^ While walking to the store to buy one (which my mom was gonna pick up...) I got chased by our neighbor's dog Buster. His name is that b/e he's a cop dog and he bustes people with drugs and naughty things! >.<
Anyway... yah, he got off his chain and chased me. The little bastard grabbed my jeans and started tearing at 'em. It was like...
Dog: Grr!
Me: What's your problem, Buster? >.<
Dog: GRAWW!!
Me: O.O; ... @.@ ... X.X
He ripped the side of my pocket, and I walked ran to my house, and realized, I had dropped all my money. It had fallen out. I waited until "Buster" stopped barking at our house...
Me: Go away you damn dog! >.<
Dog: GROWL!!
Me: 0.0 *hides behind curtain*
... Then I went outside, only to find my money gone! Great! Either the wind blew it off or our next-door druggies had gotten ahold of it after realizing my situation! >__<
2. I was alone ( my mom and her bf out, my older sis at my dad's, and my lil' sis being babysitted by gran-gran ). I was talking to my friend on the phone, and a storm came. Okay. I still talked. Phone ran out of batteries. Fine. I turned on TV, but wait! We have no cable! The light-providing things weren't plugged in, so I had no light. So I went to our next-door neighbors. ( the druggies ) But turns out, I tripped on my way down the porch steps. I got up and found myself going the wrong way. I went to Buster's house.
They were an elderly couple, so I just knocked on the door and prayed that they opened the door before Buster found me. I went inside and they had company. After some talking, I ended up babysitting they're nephew, Eric, seven years old, while they went to pick up his parents. Thunder rolled in, and Eric started crying.
Eric: I want Buster!
Me: What? -.-
Eric: Buster makes me feel safe!
Me: ... So?
Eric: So go get 'em! >.<
Me: o.o ... >.> Buster! Get your ass in here!
Buster: GRAW!
Me: 0.0 What is with this dog?!
He played with Eric while I climbed on this cabinet thingy... When they came back, they put Buster outside, and I went back to my house. The storm was almost over, so it was just raining. But! ( guess... go on... come on! just stop reading for a second and guess! >.< ... ... ... ) I locked myself out!
So I waited in the garage until my mom came home and almost ran over me in the garage. -.- I played I-Spy-Buster for two hours. God... ( I couldn't go back to the neighbors b/c they were asleep and the druggies were off to da club. -_- ).
3. ( non-Buster-related ) I Our house hasn't been bought in a while. So it was dirty. My mom makes me and my older sis pack everything into the garage and shed.
There's wasps in there. Like... five little nests in the shed, and one big one in the garage. My sis was taking a break in her room, and I banged the big nest in the garage off with a broom! >.<
... Nothing happened. Thank you Lord! ^ ^ I though wasps would come chasing my like in the movies. o.o;
So I cleaned and swept and all... then the wasps came home. But they had no home. So they buzzed around for a while. When they were buzzing around a little around me, I left the garage. They went out the garage too. I thought they were chasing me, so I walked quickly away. They buzzed closer. I freaked out, and ran and jumped over the backyard fence. Buster got me in there. -_- Until the elderly people came and held him back...
Okay, kinda Buster related, but mostly about the wasps. I. Hate. Buster.
Anyway, whew... thanks for reading this. ^^ It let a lot of my anger go. Well! Off to see your sites! =^ ^=
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