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In my little fantasy world...
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I haven't died... >.> <.<
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I was an anime fan since... well... up to here. -.-
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Um... Di*Gi Charat? Yes! Of course it is Di*Gi Charat! =^___^=
Get as much anime or mangas as I can!! ( I have a long way to go... )
Anime, Manga, Yaoi
I don't have any talents! o.O *sniff...
| Mystic Black Fox
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/22/07:
What would you be in a fantasy world? Girlys only! (Anime pics) All new and redone!!!
 You would be a Demon. Demons are selfish and cold hearted creatures. The only reason that they dont kill the entire human race is because they feed on their emotions. Negative emotions like hate, fear and saddness. The more of those emotions, the more powerful and stronger the Demon will become. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/22/07:
Why do you kill? Girls only. (Kool Pictures And Detailed Results)
 You Kill As A Result Of Rage It doesn't show on the outside but you have a Inner Rage like no other. You kill fast and violently, tearing threw your victim and leaving them as if an animal attacked them. You had your secret because you try so hard to like everyone wants to see you, but it's difficult and you constantly feel self-doubt. Personality: Mysterious, Moody, Lost, Doubting Weapon:Knife, or some sharp object. Expression/Action: Looking Away Coldly, or Gritted Teeth Most Common Feeling: Anger Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/22/07:
Where was your soul born?[pics + detailed answeres]
 Your soul was born in Ice.Some might think that water and ice is the same, but that's not true. Ice is what becomes of water when water gets hurt. Your element was once water, but something happened and your element turned to ice, which resulted in you soul being born in ice. Maybe someone close to you died or someone close to you betrayed you in some way. Either way, you are now a completely different person from who you were before. You are now shy and drawn back. You want people to notice you but you're afraid to make friends. You don't want to be hurt again. Depressed and mournful thoughts is eating you up inside. You want to scream but you just keep holding it all inside in fear of being rejected. Take a chance! There are people out there and they want to be friends with you. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/22/07:
What is your Spirit Animal?
 Your spirit animal is the wolf. This spirit is very special and I'll tell you why. Wolves are very good leaders when it comes to their own family and friends. Wolves are very special to the one that love them, and this doesn't necessarily mean your family. This could mean yours friends as well. Wolves are loyal towards the ones they love and will protect them at all costs. Wolves are respected for their kindness for others and their ability to sense the feelings of other people and want to help them out. Your Colors: White, Grey, BrownYour Element: IceYour Planets: The Moon and JupiterYour Friend: The OwlYour Enemy: The Lion Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/22/07:
Which Element do you command? (Pictures included )
 You command Ice/SnowIdeal Place to live: Alaska, The north pole, The south poleYou like the cold and you are a cold person. Though despite your cold exterior you maybe a kind and sweet person on the inside. (Girl) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/22/07:
It's back to school! What subject are you? Anime pics
 You are Cooking! So maybe cooking is more like a fun class sort of thing, a club, but hey it's fun! Getting to try new foods, and a chance to use the stove if your parents never alow you too! Like my parents do! Haha. Take this quiz!
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