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myOtaku.com: Mystic Ninja Zeta

Sunday, July 30, 2006

   Heres another addition of Dad's Dumb Ideas!
Ok. Anyone who knows how long my hair gets, knows that I almost never get it cut. But my parents made me get it cut. So my dad wanted to do it early. So he arranged it for 9:00 AM. Its a saturday mourning and I don't want to be awake. But noooooo, I end up getting my hair cut first thing in the mourning. I really hate my hair right now. It's better than what he was going to do. He suggested me getting a flat top, a buzz or a shaved head. Dad, if you read this, I hate all of those. So I get my hair cut, and then he decides that we should drive 40 mins with my golden retriver to White's Ferry and go canoeing. If anyones ever been canoeing, I goes like this. You get in a dirty, spider filled boat, and push it into a muddy river that smells like sewage. So you paddle upstream until your arms feel like they will fall off and then you go back. Thats it in a nut shell. But add in asshole dad who just yells at me the entire time, and a dog who wants to jump out and tip the boat over and you have a living hell. Oh, by the way, before we went back, my dog jumped out. And anyone who has a dog knows how bad the smell of just a wet dog smells. Try putting you dog in river water and let it dry for an hour. Then add in shedding and you know what happens. So my day sucked. So here is a rendition of "I save ...." I'm basing it off the X-play x-play saves. For those of you who don't know, It is on G4.


I save "bad trips"

Way to save 1: Do things that all agree on

If you bring a tech geek to a tour of an old house, he is more likily to burn it down than enjoy it. So, do things that you all enjoy.

Way to save 2: If you can't agree, STAY AT HOME

Ok, we all know why vacations suck. It's because most of the time we drive for hours and are then forced to do things that we hate.

example 1: My trip that I just took with my dad.
example 2: Rockinmuffin, I am sorry for this, but your vacation is the perfect example of you being dragged to the beach and hating it. That was last year for me and later this year. I look like a freak on the beach. My body is flawed in so many ways that when I post my picture, you will carve your eyes out in pain. So in conclution, vacations suck if you can't all agree on where to go.

Good- Life

Bad- having to go to places like the beach where you are forcibly made to go do things that the MAJORITY says you are going to do.

Ugly- Me.

Oh, here is what I look like. Just kidding. I could not show you my picture for security reasons and because I am really ugly. Seriously. So you get to keep your eye sight. Anyway, see you all later.

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