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• 1990-09-19
• Maryland
Member Since
• 2006-06-30
• Gamer
Real Name
• Shawn
• Exploring the infinite darkness of my mind. Seriously, there is absolutly nothing in there but empty space. Oh and I'm a first degree black belt too.
Anime Fan Since
• The dawn of time, or since I saw the original megaman cartoon.
Favorite Anime
• Naruto, IGPX, The original Megaman cartoon. Not the crappy NT warrior one, the ORIGINAL one in the 90's.
• To outclass you and take over the world. Also to join the NGA. The National Gamers Assoation. People get paid 1 million doller contracts to play games professionally. And I kind of want to get a girl before I'm 30.
• playing video games, drawing, being depressed
• Ummm... well i'm a good sharpshooter in real life... Does that count? I also pride myself of being a butt ugly geek who really has no friends. Also being depressing.
| Mystic Ninja Zeta
Monday, August 28, 2006
I went back.... how troublesome....
I went back to school today. It's really boring on the first day. All we get are papers. But I have some cool teachers. Like Mr. Burr who reminds me of Owen Wilson. But I have to do my Grad Project. "sigh" How troublesome.... It's really a worthless project... I'm currently listening to The All-American Rejects: Dirty Little Secret. It's pretty good. Heres some more leet for you to decode. For those of you that don't know what leet is, it's a gamer invented language. It's so gamers can communicate without people who aren't total geeks figuring out what the're saying. K'? Ok here you go.
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Wow, pretty long, but I know you can do it in 15 mins or less. I did. So good luck.
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