It's been forever since I last updated, so I thought I'd ought to do that soon, well, namely now. I haven't been around theotaku much these days, and when I do its just for a few minutes so I can reply to back to the PMs and stuff. ^^;; I also haven't been coming around to peoples sites either, but I'll try my best lol. Currently, I'm on this compy ban at home, so the only access I get is at the university here. I'm not even sure why I'm not allowed on, I mean, I've had restricted access for like the longest time, its really stupid.
Anywho, an update on whats been happening to me lately. Well today I saw this guy who went to the same junior high and high school as I did, and to be honest, I don't have a lot of love for him as he used to pick on me a bit >.< From the 9th to 10th grade. We were in the same band class and he was always being a jackass to me. I've never done anything to him! He was always putting me down, and nearly succeeded in making me feel stupid and worthless, until I was just fed up with it! The sad part is he was one of "popular" preppy kids, who wouldn't have been that bad if it wasn't for the fact that he was, no, still IS a complete asshole. Another thing I hated was that some of my friends were friends with him, and they were always nervous to defend me. And I was rather surprised when I saw him around campus, I mean, he never seemed the type to actually pursue a seconday education whatsoever. He smirked at me, but I just ignored him. Hopefully I won't have to see him again for a very long time! Well, a lot has changed about me since then...and I wouldn't put up with his crap now.
Hmm...on another note, I got a D in calculus. lol, not the best of grades so I'll have to repeat it in the summer. Ah well, thats not so bad *shrugs* I'm also thinking about taking a couple film courses in the summer as well, that'd be fun! Huzzah I was able to see some of my new friends around campus this past week, I was feeling sad that I might not be able to see them again! I mean, I'm not on MSN much, but I saw them, and smexy Kevin is in my pyschology class so its all good! wOOtness! ^_^ I'm also thinking about changing the theme of my site, I mean, its been ages since I've actually done anything to it. Well, thats all there is from me for now! Cya all later! ^^