I haven't updated in such a freaking long time, its almost been two months ^^;; I thought I should just tell you all what's new with me these days. Well as you all know I haven't been around theotaku for ages. Like seriously browsing around and checking up on people's sites. I'm sorry about that but I just can't find the time to really do so, since my compy access at home is non-existent pretty much and I usually use the compys at school briefly to get work done and check on things @_@ And I'm lazy XD what can I say? Also, there'll probably be no new wallies from me for quite some time. I don't have Photoshop anymore >_< and I wouldn't be able to find the time to make any with school and 2 jobs! Did I mention that I volunteer as well? Well I do, so now you know lol. Just a lot of crap on my plate, especially with finals just next month...nooooooo!!! >__<;; I'm also gonna be searching for a summer job possibly too, since school is done for me in april and thats when most of the university/college kids will be out and about competing for jobs. It's gonna be insane, so i figure I could stick with my 2 jobs for a while before looking, or look around and get a decent summer job before I have to compete with all the high school kids too @__@ I'll just wait and see what happens for now.
Actually I just wrote an algebra quiz that I'm pretty sure I did horribly in. Damn those proof questions! If I didn't have to prove the theorems I'm pretty sure I would've done alright. I can solve the equations but I can never remember how to do those proofs! Geez...and they also had those dumb find all the lines that are perpendicular to the plane and I had just briefly gone over that and couldn't remember anything. Why couldn't it just have been all about vectors? Ah well, next time I suppose. But my lab T.A is hilarious. He's like super tall, and in my opinion, looks very much like a vampire. It's the shaggy blonde hair and icy blue eyes and the white teeth XD I just think he's great. Today before the start of class he was showing us this little puzzle that he said that was impossible to do. Simply draw 2 rows of 3 dots, and try to connect them with one another without any of your lines crossing each other. He said that he usually plays this trick on little kids haha. "Don't tell them that they can't do it, cuz it'll only make them angry. Then they'll learn a valuable lesson like - Never trust anyone!" That was exactly what he said. hahahaha
On a sad note, yesterday I learned that this girl that I used to go to high school with has passed away over the weekend. My friend told me that and I was just shocked. She had cancer, but I always believed that she would make a full recovery from it, because one of my high school friends also had cancer, and after many chemo treatments and everything, they told her that she was now completely cancer free. She was so happy, and I was really happy that everything worked out for her, and she had beat it! So I always believed that Kelsey( the girl's name) would pull through as well. She was such a nice and sweet person to everyone around her. She was in my french class when i was in gr.10, and since I didn't know anyone, she really opened up and talked to me. She was so nice, and always smiling and happy. I didn't talk to her much after cuz she was never in any of my other classes in the following years. but I did see her at grad, and she looked so happy...I just can't believe that she's gone. It really bothered me for the rest of the day, and I can finally just express this all and get it off my chest. Her funeral is on Friday. I'm not gonna go, as I didn't really know her very well, but I know that some of my friends are going so they can pay their respects to her. But they didn't really know her either. I think it would be really awkward for me to attend, you know? I only knew her from my french class, and that she was friends with so and so, so it wouldn't be my place to go to her funeral. I was discussing this with my friends yesterday, as we all knew her, but not that well. All I can say is that she was really a good person. May you rest in peace, Kelsey.