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myOtaku.com: MysticFlame

Thursday, August 3, 2006

Random Rant # 4

Ack...my compy is currently on the fritz right now geez...I'm at my university's computer lab trying to register for my classes for next year. But for some reason, everytime I click to register for a course, the thing takes so slow to load and respond, meanwhile, if I do anything else, like going on myotaku, it's super fast...@__@ The funny thing is that though I thought I had currently registered for 4 classes already, I've only registered for one. *sighs* I'm impatient, and I thought the whole thing was loaded already, so now I'm going back to get those courses again, what a pain.

*brooding* It's now booted me out of the system..stupid thing. Augh..I'm feeling quite frustrated right now. The whole thing should take perhaps 30 mins to do, and its already been like almost an hour as its moving so slow >_< I'll probably have to completely reboot my comp at home. I have no idea what the heck is wrong with it though, as nothing even pops up on the screen when you start it, and everything is plugged in correctly and free on dust...much be some kind of virus or something...I hope you guys are having a nicer morning than I am haha. I'll probably come around and visit people's sites today. I'll see you guys around. *waves*

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