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Ah! My Goddess, Bleach, DNAngel, FF7, Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, Full Moon, Gunslinger Girl, Infinite Ryvius, Inuyasha, Juvenile Orion, Miyazaki movies, MeruPuri, Naruto, One Piece, Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Deeper Kyo, S-CRY-Ed, Trigun, Wolf's Ra
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Thursday, May 18, 2006
Blah blah blah
Hey all. We had to run the mile today. Nuff said. I'm exhausted lol. Well tomorrows the play...I guess that'll be kinda fun. I made an account on quizilla. It's katana44. I've only made one quiz so far. Too tired to talk anymore cya. Sorry Claes, couldn't find your pic.

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Hey guys! Mt day was awesome!! Today for lunch we had a huge meal to celebrate the 8th graders graduating. We had french toast, saussage, eggs, strawberries, pineapple, watermelon, hashbrowns, soda and ice cream cake! It was really good! I couldn't even stand up straight after that it hurt so bad XD 6 hours later and I'm still not hungry lol. Then after school my mom took me to the bookstore and I got FMA vol. 7 & Inuyasha vol. 24 and an anime magazine. I can't wait to read them all. Oh, and in case anyone was wondering, my bg is from Juvenile Orion. It's a great manga ^__^

Pic for tomorrow? Have a great day!!
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Yo! Long time no update! XP My internet stopped workin...but it's all better now ^_^ On Sunday I FINALLY got FF7 AC!! I was so happy!! I'm still happy! lol I've watched it everyday so far. It's just so cool!! Anyway, how have you all been doing? I'm so sorry I haven't been to your sites!! A picture of Dark (which my friend is currently obsessed with lol) for Claes! Another Kyo pic for FMAFan07 and for Cloud Strife7777, I don't have any decent pics of myself at the moment but when I get some maybe I'll post one. And a funny pic for IdiotChosen. Which I will post tomorrow cuz I'm too tired to tonight XD sorry ^_~ Oh yeah! I really liked the music in the movie! It was awesome!! Have a great day buddies!
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Saturday, May 13, 2006
Late shopping
Happy anime night!! Has everyone finished mother's day shopping? I have to go tonight with my dad...I'd better not miss any anime! lol But if we still have time I wanna drag him to the bookstore to look at some manga ^__^
*sniff* LFG is sick!! I hope she gets better soon :( Well, since nobody requested any pics, I'll just have to post some of mine!!! Bwahahahahaha!!

Pic for tomorrow?
Q:Rice or ramen?
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Friday, May 12, 2006
Funny play
Konnichiwa! IT'S FRIDAY YAHOO!!!lol Anyway today was great^^ All of our work is due on Tuesday cuz we goin on a field trip om Monday! We're going to look at some churches (design and such) then we'll have lunch in a park, it'll be so fun ^_^ Plus we're gonig with my fav teacher! He's just so funny!
Then b4 school ends we're doing a play for our parents etc. It's about this guy who's dead and everyone tries to find out who killed him. I'm the butler lol, and I killed him lol. But in the end we all die cuz the dum cop opens the poison lol It'll be pretty funny.
Sorry Claes! I dunno what anime that's from, sowweh!! >_< But here's a pic for FMAFan07 of Kakashi and a couple other pics I found. Have a great Friday night! ^__^

Pic for tomorrow?
Q:Do you get annoyed when ppl ask your fav color?
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Thursday, May 11, 2006
Hi! ^-^ All day it rained and was really windy. That's ok tho, I like the rain. Today was good! I was happy the kid wasn't there lol Iiiiittttt'ssss aaaallllmmmoooossssttt FRIDAY!!!! YAY!!!! lol I'm crazy yeah ^__^
A picture of Tsukasa for Claes and an Edo-kun pic for FMAFan07! Have an awesome day!!

Oh yeah, here's your button, LFG

Pic for tomorrow?
Q: If you could date an anime character, who would it be and why?
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006
oh boy..
Never had a day quite like today! First this morning around 6:10 my dad called and said he needed my help rounding up the calves cuz they got out. (we live by my grandparent's farm)Normally I get up at 7:40 or so and I was totally out of it lol So that took 45 minutes then I went back to bed for a while....I was sleepy lol
Then during gym this one kid (mike)swore at the teacher and I said "Mike, watch your language!"
Remember the anime hater? Then he charged me, punched me with one arm and pushed me over with the other. He's tall and pretty strong. One of my friends helped me up and things were going so fast I can't remember quite what happened...Then my teacher saw and took mike and the anime hater(phillip)into the hallway. I looked at my arm and there was already a bruise. His reason for hurting me was that he was sick of me snitching...I wasn't snitching so boo hoo! Phillip is gonna be suspended for a day or so, a first at our school. But when he comes back, I'll have to be careful...he's threatened my life b4 and brought a knife to school...
Sorry it was such a long post! ^__^ Weird day! Anywho, srry I forgot to ask what pic you wanted today but Claes asked anyway ^_^ So here's a Sesshomaru pic for ya Claes! And a funny pic of Ed! He'd get really mad if he saw this lol
Have a great day!!

Pic for tomorrow?
Q:Whats your fav animal?
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Tuesday, May 9, 2006
Sooo booored
Eh, school was ok but superly boring lol I dunno what to do!! Tonight Inuyasha and Trigun are on (yay!) but there is only room for one episode on the tape I'm using. I'll prolly start a new tape lol But, not much to is boring...
Q: What are your favorite non-anime shows? Me: Prison Break, Lost, Invasion
Picture time!! ^__^ A Shippo pic for FMAFan07, a Satoshi pic for Claes, and a pic of our favorite turk for Melissa Hughes!

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Monday, May 8, 2006
A place so dark...
Ello friends...My day was fine untill after lunch. We were outside and this kid I really hate threw a ball in my friend's face and she got hurt. I yelled at the kid, yelled at the teachers for not doing anythin and then I got really mad lol This kid thinks everythings a game and thinks there won't be consequences for his actions...I seriously think he'll be in jail before he's 21. I hope he is...he's the one who said anime was stupid. So yeah...I'm gonna be so happy when this year is over. He's not coming to the same school as me next year!! Yay! I tried to put up som fan art but the pics were too light and some other junk so I'll just post em some time. Heh, hope you ppl had good days!
A Yuki pic for Claes and a pic of Ed for FMAFan07 ^__^

This is one of the Inuyasha pics I did. lol I suck at coloring
What pic do you want tomorrow?
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Sunday, May 7, 2006
Hallo! My friend stayed over last night and we watched anime and stuff. She brought me the first 3 volumes of Trigun manga! I can't wait to read them ^___^
I hate Sundays. They always make me depressed. I think it's cuz we gotta go back to skool tomorrow :( But I only have a couple more weeks left ^__^ I get out on the 26th when do you guys get out? Well, here is a pic of Akito for Claes and a Kyo pic for FMAFan07.

What pic do you want for tomorrow??
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