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Wednesday, August 2, 2006
Rain rain go away! No wait I was just kidding!!!!

 | .:MysticFox:.
Konnichiwa! Phew! I'm really tired tonight! I finally got to go swimming! Yay! lol I had a lot of fun with my friends^^ So when their mom was taking me home, it started to rain really hard. It was so hard that we couldn't see out the window! We had to pull over cuz we didn't want to get hit X_X So finally I made it home and my buddy is spending the night! Wheeeee!!!! lol Now I can stay up late and watch anime!! lol jk. Ok well I hope you all had a great day! Sayonara!! |
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Tuesday, August 1, 2006

 | .:MysticFox:.
Hey guys! Sorry for posting late, yet again! I was pretty busy today. I went to a friends house and we watched a movie and just hung out. Then we went shopping stuff! EWWWWWWW! lol When we were looking for a parking spot, we saw one and there was another car coming and we thought he was gonna take the spot. Then he pulled into the handicapped space and my friend said "Im sure happy he was handicapped!" We just laughed (she didnt mean anything to be mean XD) So that was my day^^ How is everyone? |
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Monday, July 31, 2006

 | .:MysticFox:.
Hey sorry for posting so late! Not much happened today. I waited all day for my friend to call me cuz I was supposed to go swimming by his house but he never called. So hopefully I will go swimming tomorrow! But I cleaned the fridge in the barn. It was so gross >_< But Im happy its clean now! Haha I changed my theme to Loz and the other silver haired men from FF7 Ac^^ I know the Samurai X post thing doesnt fit but I like it so =P lol jk Well hope you all have a great night! That is for all who read this lol |
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Sunday, July 30, 2006
Pancakes! w00t!

 | .:MysticFox:.
Hi everyone! This morning I woke up to.....PANCAKES! lol they were good^^ I also woke up to rain! Lots and lots of rain! Haha now there are lots of big puddles in the construction area! lol This morning when I got a knife to eat pancakes, I dropped it and it cut my toe >_< It bled a little bit -_- but oh well lol. Today promises to be boring *sniff* Im sick of boring days! Sheesh lol. Have a good day buddies! Oh yeah, can you all see my bg? |
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Saturday, July 29, 2006
Anime & Movies

 | .:MysticFox:.
Konnichiwa! Happy anime night! Well yesterday I got my stuff and both the cds are great! And today I am going to a movie with my friends. Hee hee, time to pig out^^ jk. So how is everyone today? Well I guess thats all for now! Have a good day! |
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Friday, July 28, 2006
Wheeeee!!! lol Stop the crazy person!!
 | .:MysticFox:.
Hihi!! ^__^ Sorry no pic today, its cuz Im still at my friends house and I didnt want to post when I get home, it would be too late lol. But last night I had a great time! Mostly just acting silly and goofing off^^ Haha it was fun^^ Later at night her sis went out and bought us some ice cream! Yay!! Then we watched FMA. They really like that show ^_^ Also today I get my anime stuff and I get to talk with one of my good buddies! That makes today extra special^^ Ah but last night I had to walk thru the dirt and rain to where they began the roadwork because it was too hard for my friends sis to come in with her car lol so I was dirty and wet -_- But all in all the day was good! Have a good Friday! ^O^ |
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Thursday, July 27, 2006
A good day!

 | .:MysticFox:.
Konnichiwa minna-san! ^__^ Today I have something to do! Yay! lol Im going to my friends house. We are gonna watch some anime and hopefully download some too! ^^ Thats a good thing about going to her house lol I can use the computer all day! Mwahahaha!! *coff* sorry^^'' Well you all have a great day! |
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Hey all my friends! How is everyone? I'm good! Yesterday I ordered some anime stuff online^^ It should be here by Thursday or Friday! ^__^ I got 2 cds and a manga. I might go to my friends house....maybe lol. I finally got to ask my friends what classes they got for school^^ I have 2 classes with one friend, 3 with another, and none with my other friend o.O lol. Have a great day buddies!! ^__^

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Monday, July 24, 2006
Ohayou! I feel much happier today. Thanks everyone! ^o^ Yesterday I saw a movie with my mom, it was so funny! And today it is cloudy and sorta drizling. I don't know quite what I will do today....probably sit around and be bored XD. Sayonara!

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