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Tuesday, March 15, 2005
hurt and confused
right now im just hurt and confused about some shit thats been going down. im tired of the lies and the badgering from 1 person in my life. shes started treating me like im a worthless pile of shit. but theres not much i can do about it.
and it makes me madder then a deafmute trying to scream bingo and getting bingo and the same time. dont lie to my ass cause i have never lied to you. then dont treat me like shit. i can go and find somebody else that treats me alot better.
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Monday, March 14, 2005
back in town
back in town for like 2 weeks then im gonna again for like a couple of days. life was good, fresh air stars hanging around with my other family as i call them, danceing, drumming, laughing and singing in waffle house( hahaha) we cleared the place out. it was funny and the fry cook was flipping eggs with one hand and directing with the other, ever body thought we were drunken indains,cause we all had our colors on and the lot at 9 sat night. after 3hours of drumming in the patch black field.
after that nothing much important expect i have 5 new mommys, 16 lil sisters all of which call me bubba, and like 6 new chics all of which want to jump my bones but half of them are jail bait if you know what i mean. almost went running naked across a field with hallman. but ya thats either here or thier of anywhere.
lata spanky
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Wednesday, March 9, 2005
so sleepy......
im so sleepy its unbeliveable you know. i havent slept in the past 4 days. i hate it but ya know thats how it goes. damn im hot the need to turn down the heat.
lion no it wasnt with jalisa it was with carolyn. on which i need to talk to you bout man. wing has been starting more shit about the whole thing ya know.
in the last 2 days have been hell on wheels on which i dont wanna talk about ya know.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
well yesterday
well yesterday the 7th was my 6mth aniversity. all of which turned out to be pretty shitty. my girl was sick. then i didnt get any sleep. but i remembered hell i had to remind her of it. it turning out to be that im the one wearing the dress in the reationship*** or what ever we have. hell if its at all % when we have kids she could make me carry them. now this is gonna make me sound as if im beig an ass but i know that its a very painfully long process but i cant do it ya know. if it was up to men we wouldnt have kids like that we would have like tubes or something that grows them for us or some shit.
but ya, o and this weekend like a guess till about monday or tuesday i wont be uping anymore and all but ya know.
lata spanky
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Sunday, March 6, 2005
hello all
to all the people im back(o no the great evil has returned)sry i havent been uping lately. been busy and all but ya know. well friday went off well we were supposed to sat. but the plans got changed. well juno was supposed to go but he had family stuff to do. its all good ya know. well after we all left after much confustion earlier in the day with the hole thing. well i got into a huge fight with my cuzs babys momy. and now its just a big mass. so i dunno. by the way to juno lion and everbody else that i hang out with whatever you think is going on butween jelisa and me its probly true but if you wanna know just ask.
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Thursday, March 3, 2005
hello all
sry ive always wanted to do that. been busy and i hate thatnothing much to talk about and all but im still alive.
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
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hello all
hey sry i havent been here in a while. the thing in that ive been busy. realy busy since my grandmother isnt here and my mother being sick ive had to take care of the whole house and the baby then the lil time i have for my personal life with friends and loved ones. but ya know. well nothing big has happened. nothing lil either i guess since she hasnt been here " rolling in shit as i say" dragging me and the rest of my family in the trash and the drama of the rest of the trashy people in my family. and see the thing is i dont like any of thing thier trailer park trash. of whom i dont wont to envolve myself with so they wont drag me down to thier level. see the thing is im alot better then all of them. i my live in the hood(or one of the bad areas of town) but that doesnt mean im a hood rat im respected for who i am. i can be very professiol and very business like when i need to. i can dress up like thiers no tomorrow. and i can impress when it is needed.
but thats not here or thier or anywhere. i hate being a people person.
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
What is your reason for suicide?(with images) brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, February 21, 2005
well its like 2:00
see i went out last night. its all good i was thinking this has turned out all right ya know im here with some realy good friends, juno cell, 3 chics we know and 1 sis of the chic and me. well vicious was gonna come but he had to go somewhere at the last min. and he was gonna bring another friend of ours. well i was leaveing on which i almost got into 2 fights cause of this 2 wannabe gangsters who were like younger then i am. but i didnt i held my temper think god. so i was leaveing and the damn cops were thier. and i was like it wasnt me. but then i started thinking.
"damn i cant go anywhere without the fucking piggys showing up"
see heres the thing bout it all. ever since i was like 12. ever place ive gone the damn cops show up. and for the past 4 years ive had to come home and explain to my parents that it wasnt me. and it also seems like the damn news people show up to.get the whole thing on film. and when they are filming im leaveing so they always get a shot of me smokeing, and im like holy hell what have i done to get this in life.
but unto other news. i mailed some shit last week. a letter and a necklace to a friend of mine in another state. well the package got there so did the letter. but you know the funny thing is about all of this. is that the necklace on which i had put some stuff on which was realy importante to me. was stealin out of the the package.realy fucking sucks.see my dad had gaven me my first tool ever when i was 5. it was a mighty pete pocket screw driver.now ive had this for 11 years it has seen me though some shit in my life. and it has a lotta mems behind it. well i sent it to my friend cause i never see her and that anything can happen to me at anytime hell i could fell over and croke tomorrow. and ill never see this person again. and i also sent her a red bottle top on which it has special meaning butween the clicks i hung with. and the necklace was a home made braided with 3 dif colors. all together you could get about 3 dollors for. but it was all sentamental(not spelled right)shit ya know. well ill tell you this ill never send anything else though the fucking mail again.
peace love and chicken wings
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