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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
 You are the comforting friend. You like listening your friends deals and advicing them...that's really nice! You are caring and is always there for the ones you like!
What kind of friend are you?(anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
well lets see
today is sunday. i slept till 2, talked to my lady friend she's supposed to call back, i have to go to class tomorrow(im so happy about it). i havent worked this well be like the 3rd week i havent. my boss doesnt get that i have bills to pay. . well hes an as any way. but it pays and well i dont know its all crazy.
well lata peeps
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Thursday, September 16, 2004
im mad
for all the people who dont like how things are going
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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
you know
i dont know y people are like "i have a brithday comeing up!". well y do people do it. do they not get thatevery day that you live is one day you are closer to death and what every comes along with it.
lata peeps
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Tuesday, September 14, 2004
 You're Dali!! Insanely brilliant... and brilliantly insane. Either lay off the drugs or quit fantasizing about your mother. Real life is nowhere near as fascinating as your dreams, so why bother with it?
What famous artist are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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hey hey
 You're an Etch-a-Sketch!! You're the creative, artsy type who doesn't need to actually utilize a single muscle group in order to have fun. Doesn't matter though, you're still cool.
What childhood toy from the 80s are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, September 9, 2004
well you know how some folks are just dumb but they try to act smart. i hate them folks. well this is what i think they dumb folks should just stay dumb and the smart ones need to act dumb to not make the dumb ones fell bad about themselves well thats my thought for the day.
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Saturday, September 4, 2004
 Turquoise Hair! Famous Turquoise Heads: Bulma from DBZ and Michuri from sailor Moon!
~* What Anime Haircolor would you have? *~ brought to you by Quizilla
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well i guess
if you know me the memory things right
Which 'Finding Nemo' Character are you most like? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, August 29, 2004
well look
this is how it is im not at ramsay any more and niether is juno cell. and thats all good cause we've both moved on to bigger and better things in life . well i dont know about juno but i have man my life has never been better and i realy dont have to deal with stupid folks everyday so im happy.
well lata people
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