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myOtaku.com: Mystic~Angel

Friday, July 28, 2006

   I'm Still Alive^^
Sence my last post I've moved from the south in Georgia to the north in Virginia (yea, yea, i know that virginia is considered the south but if you where ever to say that to a virginian, you'd be killed... oh you think i'm kidding? if only you knew). I actually used to live in Virginia years ago when my father was still in the Navy. It's not the same as it was when I was in elementary school but things change through the years^^... duh... Anyway, the day before yesterday my family got out of the house we had in the army base in Columbus and got on the road. Sence then we've been in hotels sence then.

Today I was also able to walk through our new house. Now keep this in mind, this is the first time my families lived in a house outside of a base sence I was 2, so please excuse me for sounding weird... Anyway, the house is BEAUTIFUL!! I LOVE IT!!! Including the fact that I have my own batheroom^^!!! My mom and dad's room is HUGE!! And they have one of those HUGE tubs that has water jets^^ I can't wait to take a bath in it^^!! It's so Beautiful and big!! The only thing is that I just don't feel safe cause I'm so used to being inside gate with gards everywhere! I guess you can say I don't trust the civilian world yet, but I'm going to have to get used to it.

*HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EDGE*!!!! THAT'S RIGHT, EDGE HAD A BIRTHDAY THIS LAST 26th AND I WANT EVERYONE TO GO TO HIS SITE RIGHT AFTER THIS AND TELL HIM HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Edge was a great friend and still is to me so I wanted everyone to know that I'm so glad that he's made it this far... even though it seems like he's going to kill himself in some STUPID way!! Wheather it's accidently falling off a car, *cough, not wearing a seat belt when he drives down the freaking highway at 100m/hr, cough*, or doing something to upset HLW. Either way, I love you Edge and always will and so do many others^^!

Well, that's all for know. I've got to get to sleep^^

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