Birthday 1989-09-01 Gender
Male Location Right now i could be anywhere Member Since 2005-02-17 Occupation Student, Co-owner of an Animation Company Real Name Just call me Mytho i'll be happy, PM and we can start a convo and maybe i'll tell ya
Achievements Havn't failed a grade in Highschool yet. Anime Fan Since i really can't remember since DBZ i think no wait it was the last episodes of outlaw star when it aired on CN toonami. ya thats it when the only good episodes of Outlaw star was on Favorite Anime Any thing Sic-FI or Fanasty with at least a Cup of Realism and of course teh avarge Samurai adventure Goals finish high school, go through college, get a car, Hobbies play magic the gathering it's a card game that has been around for decades it's not a little kid game either. i ride my bike to town and back to visit friends and of course watch anime and write more Talents Living life to my own Philospy and Logic which if you ask any of my friends, it's humanly impossiable for me to not be hurt or missing a limb or worse after all the stuff i have thought and did says my friends Mytho
I know i havn't fully updated in awhile but maybe you can catch me else where like
i don't use it as much anymore but you might get me more often,i'd give you my facebook, but thats only for networking but of you want ask me about it
Okay than people later
This reminds me of Kristen and i love her dearly
Friday, June 15, 2007
My party...2marrow
i present you all with a challegen...2marrow at 2pm eastern time...i will be hosting my graduation party. you all are invited...but you must find the location and get there your self..i will not give out any info good luck! Comments
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Saturday, April 21, 2007
Much need
ta da sheep, a much needed update from my last one in 2006 lol, Life is good. Still wit da kristen-mister, 11 months. last 7 weeks of school, then it's a summer filled with partying and than, off to the USMC Boot Camp HooRah!
it's been so long here, i mean 2006, i wonder if any one will noticed i updated and comment me...hmm well Laters, i'll update later too! Comments
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Saturday, November 4, 2006
things aren't looking well cap't
Ya so i've been in this here bumpy ass road with kristen for a couple of weeks. and it's really bothering me, and my work. i've already had a couple thoughts of breaking up with her, it's been 5 months and 2 weeks. i wanted at least a year, a bit much. but i thought she was wonderful. but not if i have to go through stress. and be the way i am. no sir, i don't like. but i'm not one to take the easy road and quit. i want things to work. but nothing is working out. it's hard to explain cuz i don't know the entire story so maybe i'll be back. please hope for it to be good. Comments
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Monday, September 18, 2006
Ppl are right
...i always visit people but never post anything new up for you guys to comment back, must be because i don't get a huge ammount of ppl to come by and comment so i just go to other ppl. hmm, well heres an update for ya
Still wit Kristen, Still going to school, still somewhat clean hehe.
well when teh weekend roles around i'll leave a bigger update, promise Comments
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Friday, September 1, 2006
Happy birthday to meh
It's me birthday, turning happy, All nite partry with friends and anime tonite, and maybe some romance with Kristen, maybe, if teh stars are out Comments
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