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Odd jobs
Getting a poem published in a poetry book, yeah....odd stuff, I'm on the worship team/worship leader of my youth group =^_^=
Anime Fan Since 1997? I really have no idea. Saw a lot of 'em before i even really knew what they were and liked them, does that count?
Favorite Anime
This includes manga: Spiral, Weiss Kreuz, Juvenile Orion, D.N.Angel, Saiyuki, Fruits Basket, Naruto, Yami no Matsuei (Descendants of Darkness), Death Note, etc...
Latin Degree (possibly Latin Teacher), Music ed. degree (Chorus teacher), an author
*big breath* writing, drawing, singing, star gazing/astronomy, comp stuff, video games, collecting anime/manga, lazing in the woods, etc yet again
=O_o= who can judge themselves correctly? I'd say writing even though everyone disagrees with my grammar (it should just burn....), a bit in singing and drawing, being random hehe
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Sunday, October 8, 2006
Poll Time!
Alrighty, as some of you may have noticed, I finally added a bg to my site and I was just wondering what people thought of the site now including music, color scheme, and everything else. I'd love to have some feedback! =^_^=
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
Phantom P.M.
Alright, a few of the kick-butt peeps on my friends list have already heard me complain about this but it's about time for me to vent (to all poor people who read this XD) and to try and get some answers. I HAVE A PHANTOM PRIVATE MESSAGE!!!
And now would be where I explain this dillema. For over a week I suppose, I have had the little message thingy saying I have one unread message. Ummm, nooooooo. To elaborate on this, it's lying. I go and look and there are no new messages. I even finally cleaned out some of my messages from about 8 pages down to 2, checked the other folders, refreashed and the like. Still it says I have an unread message! And when I actually DO have new messages, it adds the phantom message to the total. For example, coming on last night it told me that I had 7 unread messages, but in truth there were only 6 + the phantom p.m.. Anyone who can offer some light on this... odd dillema of mine would have my abundant thanks and maybe I'll make something as thanks. But all that aside, it is time I say "Help!! Ghost Busters!!!" Or something of the sort XD.
In other news, hmmm.... I'm eagerly awaiting the release of the latest Newsboys cd "Go" (for those of you who haven't heard of them, they're an incredible Christian group, and for those of you who don't know I am Christian =^_^=). The Superchic(k) cd "Beauty in Pain 1.1" would be another neat one to get. Being as I am terrible about getting my folks my Christmas list in a timely fashion and always forget the things that I really wanted throughout the year, I started a Wish List in Microsoft Word.... It's definitely growing. =@_@= And I still forget to add stuff to it! I am so aloof these past few months lol. And now to return to making a cd for volleyball... Bye-bye!! Thanks for listening to my rant! =^_^=
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Thursday, October 5, 2006
Mwahahaha! I laugh... at myself
Alright, with school and sports in effect, a greeting a day? Nooooooo sir. unfortonately that aspiration was only just that. I will try, though, to do a greeting a week if at all possible. So, do be expecting one soon!
And to all of those who so generously look at all my greetings and comment, I love you all!!! You guys really add light to my day, so thank you! I've really been meaning to look at everyone's sites and begin returning the favors but just like my account on Deviant Art, it's a noble cause but may prove to be my doom =@_@= So many peoples with so many talents.... Well, I shall do my best!!
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Sunday, September 17, 2006
Hail adoptables!!!!!!!!
I really have to thank Twilight_Demon cause I got the link for these off of her site. THEY'RE SO CUTE!!!!
I adopted a chibi! ^.^

Name: Sephy-kun
Likes: Playing FFVII and making sure that Cloud loses
Dislikes: Being portrayed as insane in FFVII, being habitually glomped by his owner (man does it feel good to say that lol =^_^= )
Owner: Mythrin
Click here to adopt a chibi too!
I adopted a chibi! ^.^

Name: Dark Mousy!
Likes: Antagonizing people, stealing stuff
Dislikes: Odd old women who look youthful and demand to be called To-To, a certain family, also being habitually glomped by owner XD
Owner: Mythrin Here
Click here to adopt a chibi too!
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
So much for goals
lol Alrighty, the goal of a card per day died, mostly thanks to school and sports and me not really touching the comp in almsot two weeks (my day feels imcomplete! XD) But I have gotten some ideas, and a few cards that weren't posted so hopefully things will be back on track! Also, for those whom pmed me I didn't get back for a while, it was because of well sports and school but also because I was out of town. Be expecting that a lot with sports season... lol But the sports trips are have the fun. Especially when the bus dies and you're stuck in a VERY small town for over 4 hours... =@_@= But it was a great time. Anyone wants more details, just pm me and I'll gladly tell the story lol. Well, back to making ecards!
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Monday, August 21, 2006
Thanks, Ecards, and Plan
First off, I would really like to thank everyone who's been extremely supportive of my work. You guys really make my day and help this n00b out! =^_^= Sorry for the past few "quiet" days where there were no new ecards - I was out of town camping and then my dearest friend and sister spent the ngiht at my house so I was bust lol. I'm aiming for submitting at least one new ecard a day, if possible. I'm really hoping I can lol.
Also, I'd like to day that I'll gladly take requests. If there's an ecard you'd like me to make, drop me a line. Let me know what kind of ecard you want it, from what show and what characters, and what you'd like it to say. I'll gladly do it. =^_^= Well, that wraps up this post! Thanks everyone!!!!
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Monday, August 14, 2006
Get going
Well, I've decided (after finally finding the elusive "Submit Greetings" link, bold and all) that I'd like to start creating ecards/greetings! No idea how that will turn out. So any tips or feedback is greatly appreciated from a bored and oddly motivated person! I created roughly 5 in one day, and probably would have done more, had I not been talking to many peoples and playing checkers lol.
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