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Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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cuttiepiekitty777 (02/08/07)

love your site it nice sign my gb when you get time

littlestar0555 (02/07/07)

♥ i love your site it is so awesome.
sign mines when you have the time. pm me when ever you want to talk or just bored or something.♥


Searchlight (02/06/07)

Hey, nice site!!!! I really like your avis!!! Hope you come and sign my GB too!!!!!! Add U!! PM me sometime!!! Keep on rocking!!!

Kakashi Lover7573 (02/05/07)

hey cool site


xdeathnotex (02/05/07)

hello! saw your comment on a friend site (john 3:16 to be exact) and thought to my self...
OMG I LO-OVE THAT PERSONS AVATAR! so i decided to check out cause if ur site was as awsome as ur avvy (which it is by the way) then i might just have to add you .... *thinks for a while* anyways...i think i will if that ok with you. you should check out my site too. well c ya laters

P.S. did i tell u i liked ur avatar? ^.^
and your background too
P.S.S Ryuk wants an apple (he's obsessive)

Punk Puffin (02/05/07)

heyy. awesome syt. I'm adding you and you can do the same for me as well if you dont mind. I hope to talk to you soon! laterrzz


sauskelover (02/04/07)

hola friendola! your site is awesome!! i'm addin you to my friends list! >^^

EmikoMai (02/04/07)

Konichiwa! Cool site! I really like your avatar!!! Well I hope to see you around!

XxPoohBearxX (02/03/07)

heyz!!nice site i added you i hope you do the same!!^^byez!!

5 poppin' 6 droppin'

nice site, it's tha shiznitz!!^^

What a drag (01/29/07)

Hey, My name is Shikamaru, no lie. I think your site's pretty cool. D'ya mind stoppin by mine sometime? Well whether you do or not, I've signed and added you, see ya around,
-Shikamaru, what a drag.

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