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Member Since
• 2004-10-01
Anime Fan Since
• Since about 3rd grade.
Favorite Anime
• FLCL, Ronin Warriors, Gundam Wing, Witch Hunter Robin, Case Closed, Saiyuki, Legal Drug, Diabolo, Outlaw Star, ect.
Friday, August 31, 2007
I'm not hyper; Its the hairspray fumes. Honest.
[Music: DREAMS - NewS ]
[Watching: Daily Buzz ]
[Currently: Lolligagging XD ]
Uwaaah, so happy! Today, after 4th block,
I went up to Jenette, our exchange student
from Turkmenistan, and I explained to her
that I like to try and get a picture of all our
exchange students and asked if it was ok
if tomorrow I take her's.
She's so cute! I'm gonna end up glomping
that girl, lol. She made these wide eyes
and said, "Really!? That's cool, sure!" ^o^
So, must remember my camera Friday, lol.
I felt I should ask her ahead of time. Wasn't
nervous to do so, I'm not ever nervous about
asking (its like taking a cosplayer's pic at a
convention! lol). I just worry if the words that
come out of my mouth will make sense. XD
Speaking of pictures, today, the Senior class
had the Senior class of 2008 group panaramic
picture taken.
They seriously underestimated our size. XD
They had to make a whole 'nother row on the
floor to fit people and were squeezing us in as
tight as they could. I sat on the floor infront of
Shanna's legs, lol. <3 With Meme beside me,
Megan and Bookstore beside Shanna, Kyle
on the other side of some girl by me... lol, we
almost had the group, but Puppy was so far
away from us!!! ;o; XD
Since our school gives shitty instructions for
crap, we were confused whether to go to our
first block classes first or go straight to the
gym, so, we stopped by my class first. Coach
told us to just go on.
I just knew I was NOT gonna miss this, not
after I spent the whole morning making yet
another whole in the ozone layer, making
myself flammable with hairspray! XD
Oh, CRAP! No wonder emo kids are always
depressed! LOL! I brushed my hair foward
and pinned it back with a sparkly green hair
pin and sprayed the CRAP out of it!
Its such a miserable hairstyle to deal with,
but it looks good, so, I suffered, lol. x3
What made it worth it was the compliments
I got. Brittany liked it and Flippi said it looked
pretty. I laughed and joked that he only liked it
cause it was emo. XD He blushed and said,
"No! ...Yo' momma's emo." XD Flippi's cute
when he blushes, its like a little kid, lol.
Flippi's an emo, 'tis why I said it, lol. But I
hand around GOOD emo kids. They don't
cut or cry. They just like the crappy music
and fashion, but they don't act emo... they
act like hyper special ED. kids. XD

Yeah, leaving it un-hair pinned wasn't going to
work. XD Especially since the eye exposed is
my bad, lazy eye. x3 XD
Plus, that kinda hair only works in the cooler
weather, where I don't have to worry about
heat or sweat messing my hair up. :P
Anyway, the dude was pretty funny with how
he gave instructions and told us about the
pictures quality, saying things like, "If you
make a sign infront of your face, your face'll
be blacked out. If you make a sign infront of
your friend's face, their face'll be backed out."
and "With unlaminated, if you spill a drink on
it, all your friends will go sliding right off, but
with laminated, everyone will stay right where
they were." or, "On the envelope is a sample
picture. Its very small, very clear and not you."
We took 2 formal (serious) pictures and 2 funny
pictures. My mom ordered both. I said she can
keep the formal, I want the funny one. XD
I hope to GOD they don't use the first formal pic
he took! We had to coundown, "1, 2, 3, Seniors!"
SHANNA, suddenly behind me, starts screaming
at the top of her lungs, "ICHI, NII, SAN...!" and I
was trying to hold back my laughter and made a
very stupid smile instead. XDDD
In 1st block, after our test, which was uber-easy,
Coach started playing music... Lionel Ritchie,
Ray Charles and... Michale Jackson. XD
In 2nd block, we got to put our tests in the Scantron
machine... some people found that more fun that they
should've. All you did was push it in one side and it
came out the other with a grade, lol.
At lunch, Robert stopped making fun of my Slim
Fast bars (they control hunger for 4 hours, great
for school! XD) and asked if I could start bringing
him a bar, too, 'cause he got hungry, lol!
Cody and him were talking about how they raised
the prices on all the food and that was enough to
make them stop eating lunchroom food.
I was like, "DUDE, that RATS running out were
enough for me!!" XD
Kid not, the other day, as Cody was walking out
of the lunchroom, so did a rat, being chased by
Mr. Corbitt, lol, and the next day a giant ass roach
came running out of the wall just as I set my book-
bag down. This isn't new, though.
One time, they chased a huge group of rats out
of the lunchroom. Eww. XD
3rd block, I fought to stay awake and lost. XD Coach
was talking about a test, he said, "Its Monday" and
we told him we're not in school Monday. He smiled
and said, "I say it is, so, either you show up or you
don't." we laughed and said, "Uh-huh, you gonna be
the only one here." lol. He finally corrected himself,
4th block was sort of a pain. These brats today need
some serious manners. They not only continuously
talk, even after nicely and not so nicely being told to
hush, but they're LOUD and ghetto.
We were in the kitchen, in groups we were allowed
to choose... of course, the trouble makers decided
to sit with Jennifer and myself. =__=
And one of them would NOT stop bugging me. He
kept asking why did I hate him, why do I ignore him.
Uh, because you're annoying...? Duh. Asking if I
HAD to choose, would I do him or Greg. I said I'd
rather kill myself first. XD
He asked if I was lesbian, because guys feel the
need to flatter themselves with the idea that if a
woman is not attracted to them, she must be gay.
And I was almost speared with a pencil. T__T
Moe HURLED a pencil at the guy and I was sitting
infront of the table, but thankfully, somehow saw
it coming and leaned foward enough for it to just
go whizzing past my HEAD. He eventually got
kicked out for being annoying and not listening.
It was a small, simple assignment and these
jackasses couldn't even do that much. I felt
bad that Mrs. Pippin, who is such a nice woman,
actually has to deal with this mess.
Myself, I was just hyper and ADHD, lol. I kept
singing to myself, which is a habit. I walk around
everywhere, sit on the bus, in class and just sing
to myself, lol. I was sitting backwards in the chair,
sometimes propping my legs on the back, looking
around, playing with my ID, lol.
Last night, mom wanted to use my comp. to see
if she could order the Senior pic online, so, while
she had my comp. I agreed to fill up her 8 water
bottles, but I wanted mine filled, too, so I asked
her to toss it and in the Count's voice said:
"9 water bottles, ha. ha. ha!"
Mom gave me a funny look and I laughed and said,
"The Count! From Seseame Street!"
She said, "Yes, I know. I had to watch it enough."
I laughed, "Better than kid shows NOW! At least
back then they taught us something!" lol.

The Count pwns. D:
Oh, and the 30th was MatsuJun of Arashi's B'day.
I turned my cellphone on last night, so... yeah. XD

Jun Matsumoto
Tiger: Its a god little music player. Holds a decent
amount, its really small, so, at school if I need to
hide it, it fits perfectly in my cleavge. XD (Yeah, I
had to do it once, lol). Its easy to put songs onto,
a little annying that the songs go in ABC order and
the only way you can find a song is search with
a nob. =__= I like it, I just like so many songs that
they all just don't fit! XD It took me to delete 3 songs
just to add one new RENT song. x__x
Naa, now, some people can be ditsy-cute... Like
Jin for example. XD But the preps at my school
that are just plain nothing but AIR in their skulls,
you want to SLAP them. They are NOT cute, they
are TRULY, completely ignorant to shit even a
child would know. Its annoying.
I've never heard of anyone do that. XD But I had a
Fashions teacher, Mrs. Bonner, you mention ANY
word and she could think of a song with that word
in it... Her son even was like, "What about x-ray?"
she knew a song with x-ray in it! XD
She's always sing in class and we'd just would
start to say random words just to hear her come
up with a song she knew with it. XDD
Sasaya: No. She's just stupid. We have stupid
girls at our school that spend all their time
flirting with guys and avoiding education, even
common sense.
Our school once had a thing for improv and they
promoted it like Whose Line is it Anyway, but
you had to be clean-humored. xP I did not want
to work with a bunch of perky uber-Christians
who thought they were funny, PLUS, I'd suck at
improv. XD I'd laugh too much and I'd worry about
if I had a brain fart, lol.
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