Anime Fan Since Since about 3rd grade. Favorite Anime FLCL, Ronin Warriors, Gundam Wing, Witch Hunter Robin, Case Closed, Saiyuki, Legal Drug, Diabolo, Outlaw Star, ect. NaeNae
Saturday, October 6, 2007
[Insert Witty Subject Line Here]
[Music: Nani wa Iroha Bushi - KanJani8 ]
[Watching: Comedy Central stand-up/Gay Japanese pr0n! 8D ]
[Currently: Not really much of anything... Bored. ]
[Comedy; Reals Fans of Genius - Yaoi Fangirls; Clip]
A voice-actor parody of the Budwiser commercials.
Funny as fucking hell and so sadly true! XD<33333
Holy Mary, mother of GOD. This morning I just
about had a fit. I'd just woken up and walked in
to my dark bathroom when something ran over
my foot. I jumped and nearly freaked.
Now, I knew deep down what it was, but I just
did not want to believe it. XD I looked at all the
crap in my bathroom, trying to see if it could
have possibly been ANYTHING besides what I
prayed to God it wasn't... maybe even my bra
hanging from the door handle! XD
No, nothing. And worse, when I went back in
my room and sat in my computer chair, I saw
the mouse run from the bathroom to the living
room. xP
I whimpered and rubbed my foot where I could
still feel the mouses feet and scratched against
my bare skin and ran to wake my mom us from
her Lay-Z-Boy to tell her. Lazy bitch! XD Lol, she
just blew it off and said the dogs would get it!
1st block, over the morning announcments, O.D,
Officer Davis, our school officer, came on to let
us all know today was indeed his last day.
He made such an emotional little speech, letting
us know he loved us, that his heart was always
at the school... I cried. I tried not to, but I'm really
a big sap. I couldn't hold back tears any longer
and put my head down in my arms and let them
fall. My arm and desk were soaked.
People in my class were saying, "Oh, how sad!
He sounds so emotional; I'm gonna cry!" while I
was already there and hiding my face behind my
wall of hair, lol.
We all adore O.D. He's funny, nice, let's us get
away with a lot. You cuss, he just laughs. He'd
always smile and say, "Hey, what's up, sweetie?"
to me, bap me on the shoulder when I was being
spacey or not smiling, lol. Just thing about that
made me cry more. He's like a 2nd dad.
To not have him there won't be the same. :(
He left, by the way, for a better paying job. We
all understood, but still a little upset. I tried to
find him to say goodbye, but I didn't see him...
They also made an announcement that a guy in
our school got in a car wreck leaving the school
(we have dangerous parking lot exits) and to keep
in in prayer during moment of silence. He's okay,
Our school does that a lot. And since Alabama
has some of the world's worst driving, we actually
have a LOT of moment of silences dedicated to
students hurt or killed in car accidents. Also of
those who have fallen ill, like our one kid who had
Lukemeia and it was a big deal, but he died.
But my first thought when they said that was,
"What about Quattelbaum's son??" I gave my
prayers to him. Not that the other guy didn't
deserve a prayer, I hope he gets well, but God
knows what Jason is going to suffer... His vision
is one thing. Once he was able to open them,
they were full of blood.
Fuck. Stupid asshole of a stepdad. Got pissed
off because I turned off the air conditioner in my
room, because I was freezing. He punched my
door hard and stormed off.
There was no reason to punch the door. It didn't
do anything wrong! D:
I have low iron and thin blood. I freeze very easy.
Everyday at school, our classes are like living in
giant freezers and I shiver to death even when I'm
bundled in my hoodies. All I want is to come home
and thaw out.
Anyway. I was so fucking tired today and I don't
even know why. I kept falling asleep in 1st, 2nd,
and 3rd block.
Now, like most people, I have the habit of jerking
awake, but today, I had my worst yet. XD I was
sleeping, sitting up, with my arms crossed while
I had been doing my Economics test and jerked
awake so suddenly and harsh, my body snapped
up, arms and legs shot out and threw my test
and pencil onto the floor. XD
Luckily, when I glanced around the room to see
who I startled, the room was half-empty and I
think I only surprised two people, lol.
Oh! I watched No Reservations on the Travel
Channel last night and he was in Osaka! I'm
so jealous of these guys on t.v. who's job it
is to travel the world, expirence great culture
traditions and such and meet cool people. I
would KILL to do that, I really would.
I know people assume I only like Japan and
some know Korea, but truly, I'm not some
typical otaku who thinks Japan is it. I want
to vist ALL the world. All places interest me.
Japan has just interested me since I was a
little girl. I liked the modern and traditonal
worlds of Japan both so much. Both are so
beautiful and facsinating. I also long to visit
Ireland as my grandmother would do to go
see her sister. I wish to see the place my
family holds so dear to their heart, where I
still have family, my blood.
Speaking of Korea! On Channel One News, they
said that North and South Korea are going to join
together. After North Korea signed that agreement
thing about their nuclear weapons, they said they
will make efforts to reunite and families that were
split now, can also reunite. Let's hope this is true
and pray it will work. Even if you aren't Korean, it
is always nice to want to see countries divided
come together and for in a world in war and total
chaos at times to find something of peace and hope.
actually scared them off! LOL! They put their
stuff down, didn't even mess with us and there
were only 3 of them this time, they didn't even
sit down except for maybe 5 minutes, other-
wise, we had the table to ourselves. XDDD
When they were sitting with us, I was rocking back
and forth and Cody grabbed my shoulder and said,
"Okay, you can stop that, now."
I whinned, "I can't, dammit! It's a bad habit! Kiss ass
and leave me alone about it!" XD It really is something
I do out of habit, not to make people think I'm mental,
though a few people have asked my friends if I had
problems, lol... dude, just ask ME! XD
But my friends confused me!!! lol. ShaRhonda always
lets me get the pickle from her bag of lettuce toppings
for the subs she always gets for free-lunch, and as I
was picking the lettuce off, she offered me a baked
chip and Kristina asked to have a bite of my pickle. I
tried to do this all at once. I'm not that coordinated. XD
Yeah, I didn't mind Kristina bit into the pickle; I let
her have another bite. I was always that kid that'd
make health teachers cringe, because I never did
mind sharing my stuff or germs with friends. x3
4th block we had another Taste Test, this time from
Jasmine and Kenny. It was an "AnCafe" treat, lol.
When I refer to food as "AnCafe-ish" or whatever, it
just means it's sweet and cute... The kind of treats
you'd see AnCafe, Panic*Ch or MoMusu eat to be
cute in a video or just for the love of sweets, lol.
Jasmine made a cake from ice cream sandwiches,
crushed up Oreo cookies and Cool Whip and froze
it, while Kenny made a smoothie that had like grape
fruit, bananas and strawberries. All was very yummy.
Oh, btw. The dounuts and dounut-holes I made~! 8D
Dounut holes are harder to make, because once one
side is fried, it's hard to turn the sucker, lol.
Sasaya: My, dear, I live in the South. Alabama. If you
even mention Satan, even jokingly, or anything like, oh,
agree with abortion or homosexuality, people's heads
fucking spin, which is the biggest hypocrasy you will
ever see. To say this is all sin, yet they themselves
have sex out of wedlock and get drunk and stoned on
Saturday and attend church Sunday still hung over and
very much wasted, but yeah, idiots here buy into that
whole Satanic shit, lol.
But that's what makes Halloween fun down South. ;3
Bou-chan: Eeek! SUBARU! ^o^ Yassu, too, but I adore
Baru, haha, which is weird, since Subaru finds Ueda to
be odd and afraid to go near him, yet Yassu, who is best
friends with Subaru, is really close to Ueda! XD
My favorite story was how during DreamBoys, Kame
had his own room, but Ueda and Yassu were always
in there playing guitar and piano. XD
Naa, not psycho, yet, just a crazy bitch, lol.
Yeah, Mrs. Quattlebaum is so angry at that girl, she
swore when she sees her in court she will give her a
glare she will never forget.
Tiger: Lol, thanks to all of your comment. ^^v
Online Videos by
[Jpop; SOULHEAD - Pray; PV]
Pretty video, pretty girls, pretty voices, pretty song. I
was actually looking for Subaru Shibutani's "Pray" (I
still haven't found it), but ran across this and always
wanted to hear SOULHEAD, so... lol.
Btw, if veoh videos are playing different, then blame
veoh. They changed some shit and I'm not all sure
just what, yet.