Anime Fan Since Since about 3rd grade. Favorite Anime FLCL, Ronin Warriors, Gundam Wing, Witch Hunter Robin, Case Closed, Saiyuki, Legal Drug, Diabolo, Outlaw Star, ect. NaeNae
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Annie's Halloween Party!
[Music: Go Girl! Koi no Victory - Morning Musume ]
[Watching: Ronin Warrior OVAs!!! ]
[Currently: Should be getting dressed. x3 ]
More photos from Fye anime party, pics from
worker at Fye:
So, Annie's Halloween party Saturday night!
Yeah, these posts are going to be outta whack
since MyO was screwed over the weekend, lol.
Kyle came to get me a bit early and I was still
doing my hair and hadn't gotten my shoes on
yet, so, it took me a minute or two.
We get up to Annie's and the Chinese girl
exchange student who they've taken in, Mie
(pronounced "me") answered the door. She
was SO cute! Short hair and emo glasses! :3
Annie took Kyle in the back to help him get in
to his costume and I stood in the living room
talking to Annie's mom and Mie. Annie's mom
asked me about my dad and they both gave
me their sympathy.
Kyle came out in thigh-high fishnets, panties,
a corset, arm bands and not much else. XD
He was suppose to be Dr. Franknfurter, but
he so needed like my dad's black afro, lol.
When Cody came by as Alucard, I thought I
was going to piss myself laughing! XDDD
We were like, "You look like Cher meets John
Lennon meets a pimp... we just went on, then
he said he looked like Howard Stern and OMG
he did! So, I kept saying he was Howard Stern
cosplaying as Alucard. XD
Mie was taking lots of pictures and she used
my camera card to put on her laptop to save
some of my pictures and kept saying, "Whoa,
people back home not gonna believe me!" XD
Mie brought out her laptop and showed us all
pictures of her classmates, friends and of her
home country.
What was really cute was during her picture-
slideshow, the power died and she whinned
in a very cute Engrish voice,
"Where's the powah!?"
We all cracked up so hard. It sounded like a
bad Engrish super hero asking where all their
super powers went. XD<3
And Annie's mom told Mie to play a song she
really liked, her favorite song and she played
this ballad and said, "The singer, he is a very
popular man in China."
I asked, "What's his name?"
She said, "Jay Chou." but her accent was so
thick, I asked, "Jay Chou?"
She said, "Yeah!"
I perked up, "I listen to his music! I like him!"
And she perked up, "Really!? I did not know
Americans knew about him!" lol.
We sorta fangirled for a second like, "Yeah,
I like Jay Chou!" and everyone laughed. XD
Mie kept running back and forth from her room
in the back. At one point she came back with
a tiny tiara and we put it on Cody's head. XD
Kyle and Annie played a fighting video game, I
sat in the middle, making funny comments.
They had the gayest characters... Annie had
some guy in a shiny silver shirt and a woman
in a dominatrix leather bikini while Kyle had
two neko-girls. Annie sucked, so, I kept teas-
ing. x3 I was like, "You're getting your ass
kicked by CAT GIRLS. Can't you blind them
with your shirt? Grab 'em by the tail! Wow,
they have really good boob-tape..." XD
My favorite duel was between the Japanese
school girl who liked to flash her panties and
the black guy in the skintight silver bodysuit
with a light hanging from his head like the fish.
It was so fucking gay and funny! XD
Cody went to go his DDR game, which we
never did end up playing, and was gone for
what felt like hours. XD
For dinner we had hot dogs. Annie's dad and
I can tell stories for hours and that's mostly
what we did at dinner, Mie was the only other
one who'd tell stories, too, lol. At one point,
Annie's dad was telling a story, but I saw
Kyle about to eat a plain weenie... He's all
dressed in whore cloths... I couldn't resist
the photo chance. Annie saw this and we
both were just fucking cracking up. XD My
friends always use to tell me I needed to
meet Annie because we'd get along so well.
Lol, they were right! :3
When I was talking about my dad, I mentioned
the hulla girl outfit and Annie's dad cracked-up
and said, "I never met him and I think I like him
already!" XD
We went into a back room so Annie could
show me videos of Dragon*Con, a con she
goes to, and I could show her videos of my
beloved MomoCon, lol. Oh, and Annie said
she might be able to go to MomoCon, too!
But when she asked Kyle if he's going as
Kenpachi, who's gonna be his Yachiru, he
mentioned Misty and I exploded. I said if
I saw that bitch's face at MomoCon, if she
showed up, I'd kill her and that wasn't even
a joke.
Anyway, we also ended up watching lots of
other funny videos. Mie would watch some,
then run off... We should tie that girl down.
XD But she just arrived the day before (yeah,
good impression we're already leaving! XD)
so, I think she was still settling in.
I showed Annie the Real Fans of Genius
videos and introduced her to Hard Gay!!
Woooo~! She loved him, lol.
We acted silly the whole night. Cody and I
battled with giant wooden food utensils, we
sat in a circle on the floor as Annie read an
Egyptian book about death and we were all
(meaning Cody, Kyle and I XD) acting like
smartass kids...
Annie: "That's a knife!"
Cody: "It looks like a corn cob."
Me (not Mie XD): "Wow. Egyptians can't draw."
Annie: "When you die, this thing eats your
soul if your evil..."
Me: "An ardbark with a pig's ass will eat our
It was so funny, we were next to tears from
laughing at some of the stuff. Kyle was right;
we should have video tapped it, lol.
Shiiiit. Because of all the events that have been
going on, I never did have time to do my doodles
of like chibi KAT-TUN and Dir en grey and maybe
others with Halloween themes. D:
I thank you all for your love, support, sympathy
and kind words. You really have no idea how
much it means to me. :)
Tiger: Thank you. I do plan to actually keep in
touch with Faye, infact, I hope she will come
to my Foods class Thanksgiving dinner.
My dad wasn't perfect, but he was awesome.
He is someone I will always look up to and
admire. He's all I wish I can be, too.
Bou-chan: You really don't read my posts, do
you, sweetie? lol. I've mentioned my father is
a Marine countless times.
And yes, Okinawa is a military base, so, you
get stationed over there. My cousin Justin is
in Okinawa right now.
Yeah, the last picture is nice. It was used as
the last photo in the slideshow. Very fitting.
When the priest waved insense over my dad's
casket, my uncle leaned over and joked, "Well,
your dad always loved insense..." XDDD
Hahaha, the line about Ueda's big lips got me
to smile. Thanks, hun.
Momo: Thank you, that means so much to
know. Yes, it's hard sometimes, but I just
try to keep going. I can't just fall to pieces,
that won't do any good, anyhow.
Yeah, I always hate when I hear of somebody
pass and I think, "I wish I could have met them!"
At least with him, I not only met him, I had him
as a dad. :3 I was lucky.
Japanese translator for the Air Force? That's
awesome! ^^ Air Force is good money, too,
so, you'll be in good shape! XD Military is a
great thing for education. I understand where
people get their misconseptions about the
military, I just like to point out what I know is
Sasaya: Aww! *hugs* I didn't mean to make
anyone cry! XD
Yeah, my family is crazy, but strong and with
my extended family of bikers and all my dad's
friends, there's no way I can't make it through
all of this okay. XD
Yeah, my dad was all about life, so, how
could I possibly respect his spirit by giving
up on my own...?
OMFG! That prank sounds awesome! XD If
I ever run into another sci-fi convention, I am
SO doing that!!! XD
Kyle... and he wonders why people think he's gay... XD
Kyle and Annie pointing to the "WTF" on her shirt, lol.
Kyle and Mie. :3
Bad Dr. Frankenfurter and Ghetto-Alucard and Kyle's face says it all, lol.
Group picture. Blah. I like the ones we took an Annie's camera. Not blurred, we actually posed, Mie posed with me, lol. They were cuter.
Emo Alucard... XDD
Eat the weenie, whore!!! XD
Kyle and Annie playing video games... I blinded them with the flash. XD
Never leave me alone with a camera, lol. Here's me and Megan!
XD If you don't ask, I won't either. XD
Know that painting "America Goth" with the farmer and his wife... yeah. XD
Alucard with Mie's pretty tiara~! XD
I put Alucard's hat on Mie... How cuuute! >w<
...Hitler, gay pirate-patriot... yeah, don't ask about this one either. XD We had too many Halloween cookies. XD
[My Life; Rukia Attacks Alucard!; Clip]
Soul Reaper vs. Vampire! Rukia (me) pwns
Alucard (Cody) with a giant fork... then giddly
runs off with his bad wig! 8D
[My Life; Alucard Gets Ghetto on Yo' Ass!; Clip]
Just what the title says.
[My Life; Mie is Never Coming Back to America!; Clip]
Annie's family is hosting a sweet and cute
Chinese girl named Mie. She just arrived the
day before, but after this, we're not quite sure
what her people back home will think of all this. XD
[My Life; Alucard Tries to Scare Annie's Dad; Clip]
Annie's dad finally arrives home and Ghetto-Pimp-
Alucard is ready and waiting to "greet" him.
[My Life; That's My Man... Woman... Thing!; Clip]
Man-Whore, Kyle, tries to hit on Annie's dad, but
Annie's not having it! That's HER man... woman...
whatever "it" is.
[My Life; Alucard and Man-Whore Scare Buddah; Clip]
Cody, as Alucard, playing with the giant spoon, again,
and Kyle as a man-whore (You can not be Frankenfurter
without the wig!) scare Annie's poor fat cat, Buddah.
[My Life; Alucard Arrives!; Clip]
Annie's Halloween "Party" (the "party" part kinda fell
through; a lot couldn't show up). Cody aka Howard Stern
the Pimp Pirate Cosplaying as Alucard, finally arrives!
Dear God, Cody, please say you aren't really going to
MomoCon like THAT! o_O