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myOtaku.com: Nana Osaki

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Nothing great happened today....I woke up at almost noon,and with the worst cough EVER!! I couldn't breathe without having to cough this horrible cough! And there was alot of gunk in my throat! It was NASTY! But then I went to NarutoBlackmail's site, and that cheered me up right away!! She has AFI Doujinshi on there too! I was so happy!! *coughs again*...EWW!! GUNK!! Sorry if I grossed you guys out! My voice is all fucked up....my sister said I sound like a horse!! WHAT THE HELL?! How do I sound like a horse?! I'm thinking about putting some of my art on here....what do you think? I've been drawing alot lately, and my friends say I'm great, but I wanna put some of my best on here, so if I lose the actual drawing, I can just print it from here! Heck yes!!I'm watching Celebrity Deathmatch, and it's between Christina-what's-her-face, and Brittany Spears. I think they're both disgusting people, but this deathmatch is entertaining!! Only metal, punk, and Jrock for this chick! So I guess that's all for now! Ja ne!
Instead of the vid of the day, today I thought I'd to a pic of the day since I'm lazy!

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