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myOtaku.com: Nana Osaki

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Le Growls
Yesterday was a pain in the ass! After 4th period when we were walking to lunch, my friend Tyler tried to open the other door out of the 6th building. It wouldn't open, so being the big dumbass that she is, she leans onto my backpack.....AND IT SNAPS!! The right strap just SNAPS!! SHE KNOWS NOT TO DO THAT!! (She's done it on more than one occasion, and I chewed her out everytime for it!!) I was SO FUCKING PISSED!! I've had that back for almost 7 years!! That was the greatest backpack......EVER!!! It wasn't even near it's breaking point!! Anywho, I just had to get that out of my system. HOLY CRAP MY DOG JUST TACKLED ME ON MY CHAIR!!! DANG, SHE'S HEAVY!! She just tried to lick my mouth!! EWWWW!!! Anywhootles, sorry if I sound like a bitch today. I've been moody lately!! So, I've been thinking about a new haircut, right now, it looks like Nana Osaki's from NANA. I've got a few ideas, but nothing's set in stone. If you have some suggestions or pics for haistyles, that'd be great too! Here are the styles that I'm looking at right now.....These are probably all gonna be from Jrock bands!!......
Gackt Styles
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(For this Meevs style,Keep the bangs and make it short in the back?)
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