Female Location here...i, wait...maybe not Member Since 2005-02-04 Occupation resident psycho Real Name nanashi...i also answer to kaiba, or any of the various forms of seto's name ^.^
Achievements skipping a grade Anime Fan Since since I got hooked Favorite Anime YGO, FMA, Fruits Basket, Rurouni Kenshin, Gad Guard, Inuyasha, DNAngel Goals learn HTML, CSS and all that other good stuff, actually finish a story I write Hobbies computer stuff...& others(see talents) Talents writing/drawing, being smart, playing piano, breaking things esp. computer parts nanashi 09
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
I finished drawing and shading the pic I posted yesterday (sorry about the massive size of the pic, I have a habit of scanning and then forgetting to resize before posting online)…I just haven’t had a chance to scan it yet. The side of my hand had lead all over it…^.^ But that was nothing compared to when I drew ladysesshoumaru a Prince Yuki picture…with charcoal! (I finally, after years of having them, figured out how the little string works to pull back and get to more lead…er…charcoal. That took me…what…5 years? ^.^’ That’s gotta be a record or something…)
I get to start painting my American Gothic Parody today! Man, I spent sooooo much time drawing it, but the guys head kept frustrating me, ‘cuz it would turn out right, or it was too big, or too small, or in the wrong spot….but I’m finished with that now! ^.^ Painting! I just hope I don’t mess anything up unfixably.
And I’ve gotta make these element card thingymadoo’s for my class’s periodic table, and that involves art to! I decided I want to do something that looks like the “chiller” font (Death T-2’s site has the font, if you can see it, but I believe she uses a different name for it…) It looks cool so far. Plus, it’ll be totally different from everyone elses!
So…yay for art!
*ahem* I have a new's been awhile since i made a new one, hasn't it?
here it is, since the way I have my site set up you can't see it at the top:
It's not quite finished, there's still some fine tuning stuff I wanna do to make it better, possibly change the layout a teeny tiny bit, but the bell kinda cut me short...
Here's another picture I drew yesterday, cuz I felt like it. My brother said it looked like Myrrh (from Fire Emblem) but the only thing that even closely resembles Myrrh is the wings. And hers are cuter and more rounded.
I was just informed that there will be a fire drill in a minute or so, so I best be going!
Carved pumpkins at the nursing home yesterday...I wanted to make a dog (why? who knows) but I made it too small and ended up with a big hole instead. So I wrote "boo" on it.
Undeadloner's having a little halloween get together at her house, but my mom probably won't let me go. T.T
Oh well, maybe I'll get a chance to go on Gaia tonight. There's sure to be something good going on there since it's halloween.
I just realized, my one year MyO anniversary passed some time ago! But I think I'll just go with the anniversary of this account, since I ended up deleting my other account.
Happy Halloween...I guess...
Hey, I wrote a poem. Just wanted to know what you guys think of it. I don't normally write a lot of poetry. It was inspired by Orenji no Taiyou - Gackt and Hyde (I love that song. All 9 minutes and 4 seconds of it!)
I saw you-standing-
Bathed in the fading light of a setting sun
Orange rays caressed your tearstained cheeks
Your tears-warm tears-beautiful tears
Tears filled with love, hate, hope, and despair
Tears that held me frozen
Because I knew
You were crying
In my place
for some reason i keep thinking today is sunday...o.O
I am slightly hyper, though I am mainly that I am annoying and frusterated with the internet's slowness at the moment....i feel like i'm back on dial-up...GRR!!!
life is full of pineapples are one of them XD
I've got FOUR CHIBI-CHICKENS! two hatched yesterday, and two today! and the hen that hatched today's is still sitting on her nest, so i think she might be planning on hatching more. Mis chibi-gallitos son KAWAII!!!!!!
GAH!!!! every five seconds, i think i have school tomorrow or something, but then I realize today's saturday, not sunday!! what's wrong with me??
Seto: Everything.
Me: Yeah, but more wrong than normal...
The Halloween dance kinda sucked. I mean, it was still fun, but not nearly as fun as last years, or the year before. I ending up doing a sango sorta thing for a costume (woulda worked better if i'd had a giant boomerang). But there wasn't very many people there (since a large portion of the highschool went to see saw 2 instead) and undeadloner was sick so she didn't come T.T and rae and nadja were on a hay ride. It wasn't as fun without them.
but i did get to watch a ton of inuyasha episodes while i was at ladysesshoumaru's house. that was fun!
Aw…crap. I don’t think I’ll be wearing a “costume” for the Halloween dance tonight. I couldn’t think of anything good, and my Seto idea was kinda lame. It’s not Seto without the jacket, and I don’t have time or materials to make one.
And I tried putting up a song on my site but it didn’t work.
But I know I’ll have fun tonight. Free food, lots of prizes, and running around acting like insane psycho idiots.
O.O Saw something really weird…and almost funny, in a slightly gross and scary way…
Eck. Aw…crap. Just remember that I have a Current Events quiz today. -.- We had one of Tuesday, and I only got ONE wrong, but so many other kids sucked on it, so he didn’t put it down in the grade book. And I’ll probably do worse on this one. *glare*
Eh…feck…But on a happier note, last night I discovered how awesomely cool Adobe Illustrator CS2 is. It ROCKS!
Don’t forget: destinyssweetman is holding an art contest! Go vote!
Nooo!!!!…the study hall lady brought donuts to buy…but I forgot to bring money T.T and she only does this once a month…
When I get a chance to scan it, I think I’ll post a pic of what I’m going to do for my American Gothic parody in art. I was really disappointed when the teacher said we can’t use “existing” cartoon characters. (I can’t draw Seto, but I can still draw an original cartoon character) T.T I though one with Excel and Il Palazo would be awesome, but I can’t do that. But, I have another idea I like. We had to have 3 sketches, one that I’m not using features Gackt singing with a pitchfork. (^.^) But I’m doing a medieval style one.
There’s something messed up with the font on my site. I’ll get to work fixing that. But first I have to finish my science homework. Wait, a minute, I just totally confused myself. Crap. Damn periodic table…Stupid worksheet! It added a bunch of boxes that don’t exist! They don’t exist, I tell you! Now they screwed me all up, and I was using Sharpies!!!!!! GREAT GACKT!
RIN21: But…but…you’re taking the sugar with you T.T
Me: *starts crying too*
Seto: *runs*
Undeadloner: *chases after him*
Seto: *gets outside and runs into delivery guy* Hey! Stay out of my way!
Delivery Guy: Uh…sir…can you sign here, please?
Seto: *signs sheet* Okay.
Delivery Guy: Thankyou *runs away*
Dumptruck: *comes in and dumps a HUMONGOUS pile of gifts, completely covering the lawn and driveway*
Seto: Crap. Now I can’t get out.
Undeadloner: *jumps on Seto* GOTCHA!
Seto: *is pushed over, his face landing in the cake* I knew my birthdays were cursed…
Epilogue: Seto did end up going to Yoko’s party, only much later than planned, after opening ALL the gifts he received from his fans…and a bomb that was most definitely NOT from a fan (luckily (?) I opened that one, therefore saving my dearest Set-Set-Kun from the near death experience of having a bomb blowing up in one’s face), eating the another cake made by us, and much singing and hyperlisticness. I am still looking for his birthday present.
Go, Go, Go, Go Seto! It's your birthday! We gonna party like it's your birthday! We gonna sip bacardi like it's your birthday! And you know I give a f*ck it's your birthday!
So I made what was supposed to be a cool banner for Seto’s birthday…but, unfortunately, the bell rang before I finished it, so that’s why it’s a little messed up (and not quite finished…) and the stupid study hall computers don’t have any good programs -.- but if you wanna see it, here it is:
*hears footsteps* quick, hide!
*Seto walks in*
*jumps up* HAPPY BIRTHDAY SETO!!!!!! *runs to glomp him*
Seto: O.O *runs away*
Me: *big, dramatic leap and all that* I GOT YOU! *glomp*
Seto: can’t…breathe…*turning blue*
Mokuba: O.O Nanashi, let him go before you kill him!
Me: Oh, okay…*lets go*
Seto: *mumbling* I knew my birthdays were cursed…
Me: Huh?
Seto: Nothing…
Me: NOW! On with the birthday festivities!!!!!
Undeadloner: *suddenly appears* Did I hear someone mention “festivities”? As in “fiesta”?
*phone rings*
Seto: *answers* Uh-huh…yeah…okay…bye. I gotta go.
Me: NANI?!?!?!? You can’t work on your birthday?
Seto: Just watch me.
Me: NOOO!!!!!!! PLEASE! DON’T!!!!!! *grabs onto Seto’s legs as he’s walking away* T.T YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!
Man…I can never tell with my mom…one day she’s yelling at me for “wasting” my money buying manga (I kinda brought on that argument, I knew asking when I was gonna get paid for work around the house would be a…lesse…how about “controversial” question) then the next making some comment about me saving money to buy manga…well, whatever…
I think I’m supposed to do the school sign thingymadoo today or something…aww…crap, I don’t want to do that…especially not during my precious study hall time.
Dad might be getting me another game boy! O.O He said if I give the pink one to Elisabeth, he’ll get me my own. I guess they’re discontinuing the special colors (Pearl Blue and Pearl Pink) or something.
Seto’s so evil!!! (and his birthday’s tomorrow! ^.^) I was reading his article on Wikipedia, and learning interesting things.
He whacked Yugi with his metal briefcase. (^.^ YAY! GO SETO!) make inu means pathetic dog!
He electrocuted Gozaburo!!!!!!
See what happens when I get up early when I don’t need to? I have tons of free time on my hands and no one to bother me!
I drew this picture Saturday night. Expect it to appear sometime this winter as a theme. (Or maybe not…>.<)