We won our homecoming game 41 to 22.
The dance team performed at the pep fest and before the game. It went really good. ^.^ A lot of people saw me for the first time with make-up on at the pep fest. Most people were like: O.O who the heck are you?
I didn’t quite recognize myself when I looked in the mirror either. But it was funny seeing everyone’s reactions. My dad liked it, and so did my sister, my brother told me I looked weird, and my mom liked it but said there was too much eye liner.
And a big thanks to my friend Jessica for doing my make-up for me!
Then I was up ‘til 2 Friday night trying to finish my ME form for 4-H. Then I got up at 7:30ish to go to this discussion day thing for 4-H…I thought it was gonna be really annoying and boring but it was actually kinda fun. Plus I learned I wasn’t the only one who procrastinated with their ME form.
And my mom and sis were gone the whole weekend, so it was just me, my bro, and my dad. COMPUTER TIME! My dad installed the beta version of the new Windows version (supposed to come out next summer or something) on a spare hard drive. It was cool, but so far looks like Windows XP with a makeover. Then we watched War of the Worlds (new version) which kept me on the edge of my seat most of the time, and Stealth, which was really cool.
And I tried to make chocolate soufflés, but they didn’t turn out. So I made chocolate pudding instead…yum!
And I learned that I can use the camera memory card to transport pictures to and from school. So now I can take my massive anime collection home and burn them to a CD.
Question time: What is the difference between
anata and
kimi? They both mean “you” in Japanese, so is there a difference in when you use them, or something?
Oh, great, I just learned that I may be at a higher risk for breast cancer because I’m left-handed. o.O
That’s all…I think…XD!

I changed my sketchbook title page. it's not quite finished, but i really like it