Man…I can never tell with my mom…one day she’s yelling at me for “wasting” my money buying manga (I kinda brought on that argument, I knew asking when I was gonna get paid for work around the house would be a…lesse…how about “controversial” question) then the next making some comment about me saving money to buy manga…well, whatever…
I think I’m supposed to do the school sign thingymadoo today or something…aww…crap, I don’t want to do that…especially not during my precious study hall time.
Dad might be getting me another game boy! O.O He said if I give the pink one to Elisabeth, he’ll get me my own. I guess they’re discontinuing the special colors (Pearl Blue and Pearl Pink) or something.
Seto’s so evil!!! (and his birthday’s tomorrow! ^.^) I was reading his article on Wikipedia, and learning interesting things.
He whacked Yugi with his metal briefcase. (^.^ YAY! GO SETO!)
make inu means pathetic dog!
He electrocuted Gozaburo!!!!!!
See what happens when I get up early when I don’t need to? I have tons of free time on my hands and no one to bother me!
I drew this picture Saturday night. Expect it to appear sometime this winter as a theme. (Or maybe not…>.<)