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in my own little world
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resident psycho
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nanashi, nani-kun, or kaiba-kun
being smart
Anime Fan Since
7th grade
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Excel Saga, YGO, InuYasha, Wolf's Rain, Gad Guard, DNAngel, Fruits Basket, Rurouni Kenshin, and probably others
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Yesh, I did. It was in the lunch room, except someone picked it up and put it on the microwave, so when I looked in the lunchroom yesterday morning I didn’t find it! >.< But during lunch at the end of the lunch line John saw it and pointed it out to me…So I now have my folder back!!!
Hmmm…and DeathT-2’s site just flipped out on me. Seriously, I clicked the comment link, and now all I can see is her b/g and it’s just sitting there…Weird…It won’t let me even close the window…
I feel special! I made 4 out of 5 freethrows on my basketball test yesterday! Unfortunately, I only made 2 out of 6 lay-ups today…Me no like lay-ups!!!! Me no like basketball period!
*ahem* Anyways…Shadow is going to be rescheduled!! YAY!! ^.^ I’m so happy ‘bout that.
That’s about all…I think…
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
I’ve LOST my folder. My folder with all my homework in it!! AND I CAN’T SEEM TO FIND IT ANYWHERE!!!!!!
I lost it somewhere at school yesterday, sometime around lunch and current events. GAH! At least I didn’t have too much homework in there…but that is also where I have all my pictures of Gackt and Seto, and a bunch of my drawings, and lots of other important stuff!!!
On a much happier note, I found out that Adobe Illustrator can do amazing things! It did this really cool effect to this picture I drew, now as soon as I figure out how to make that into a cool b/g, it’ll probably become a theme. I’d show you, but I didn’t get a chance to save it to my disk yesterday…
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Monday, March 20, 2006
Howl’s Moving Castle is such an awesome movie!! ^.^ If you haven’t seen it, YOU SHOULD! And I want to read the book too. Howl’s so hot…
Seto: There you go again…
Me: But I still love you Set-Set! *glomps*
Seto: O.O can’t…breathe…
So many people updated today! At least, more than usual! Anyways, I’ve been having really weird dreams lately…Going to bed at 10:00pm seems like a good time, because I can actually wake up in the morning, but then I have all these really weird dreams. Like…beyond the normal weird that my dreams are. Last night I got stabbed in the face with a fork. WITH A FORK!!!!!! WHAT’S UP WITH THAT??!?!?!??! There was more, I’m just too lazy to type it all…but seriously…
Kuro-chan just reminded me that today’s the first day of spring!!! YAY!!!!!! ‘though you’d never guess with all the snow outside…dratted snow…*mutters* WHERE WAS IT IN JANUARY????? I would gladly trade the wonderfully warm weather we had then for the snow now…
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Friday, March 17, 2006
Snow day! (Yesterday)
Yup, yesterday was a snow day! Which was kinda cool, ‘cuz there was no snow, but kinda not cool, since there was no Shadow day. I’m hoping they reschedule it……I was REALLY bored yesterday too……the thing that sucks about snow days is that I’m stuck at home all day too, so it gets kinda boring……
But our forensics meet is rescheduled (again!) to today. So wish me luck!…I had a dream where I piloted a gundam the other night. It was really cool. ^.^ and then there was something about vampires……probably comes from reading all those Gackt interviews the other day……
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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
I’m getting a B in gym! Argh! I’m so pissed about it, and the teacher told me I would be getting an A once I made up all the days I’ve missed, and I have and I’m getting a B!! I am so pissed about it, but I think I aced my basketball (written) test, so maybe that’ll bring it up…I’ve always been able to get at least an A- in gym, even though I’m not that good at all on skills tests…
I went to the Spanish trip meeting last night. (hopefully I can convince my parents to let me go to Spain!! ^.^) It sounds like soooooooooo much fun, but it costs $2395 to go…sooooooo…I have a dilemma. Blow my money on something cool like manga or an Ipod, OR not blow my money *twitch* and try and save it up…
And so…life goes on! Our forensics meet is tomorrow, and also Shadow Day at the university! I get to shadow a music student for (most of) a day….And they decided to come back early just so us forensics kids could go and still make it to our meet!! ^.^
I like computers. They may me happy. So does manga, and Seto, and…and…and…NOT POLES!!!!!!!
Yup! I’m officially happified! Until the hour is over, at least…
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Evil snowstorm. The one day I would have gotten a snow day, I didn’t have school anyways. Yep, yesterday, the day school was out for break, was the day horrible weather forced all the other schools in the area to close. And man, did it ever snow!! Just when I think spring is finally coming, I get dumped with snow.
RAWR! - ‘tis a cool site. Thanks to Seto Kaiba Freak for pointing it out. And thanks to my brain for being easily entertainable. ^.^
*is officially entertained*
Hey, if anyone knows of where I can get the sheet music for Last Song (Gackt) I’d really appreciate it!
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Sunday, March 12, 2006
I hate only getting to watch anime every once in a while...I get so confused...but at least I managed to follow most of FMA and Neon Genesis Evangelion...Cowboy Bepop was easy to follow, and the cool thing was that it was an episode I had seen the beginning of before but not the ending, so I got to see the ending too. ^.^
b-b-b-but-bu-b-but....POOR ED!!!! *cries*
I think I'm gonna have to ask ladysesshoumaru to start taping FMA and Evangelion for me.
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Saturday, March 11, 2006
I had lots of fun at ladysesshy's house! ^.^ We stayed up 'til 3:30AM, RPing over send-a-note on the computer in her room. When we were done, it was 13 or 15 pages long!!
The link to the comic I made is on my last post if you want to read it...the girl that walks in is ladysesshoumaru, and the one with the camera is undeadloner.
I'm at my grandma's, which means satelitte TV, which means....ANIME!! YAY! ^.^
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Thursday, March 9, 2006
OKAY! I've got the comic up!
go HERE!
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YAY! I’m going over to ladysesshy’s place tonight! You can bet there’s gonna be lots of anime and Gacktness!!!!! ^.^
For some reason I keep feeling like something’s crawling on my neck…EEK!! I think it’s the ribbon from my jump drive, but it’s really creeping me out!
What else…what else…
Hmmm…maybe I’ll scan the little comic I’ve been working on a post it tonight. ^.^
Fire Emblem: the Sacred Stones is a cool game!

Myrrh’s so awesome!!
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