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myOtaku.com: Nanoke

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Heyz! I'm Nanoke! I love anime and manga. I love drawing it too. I'm a big j-pop fan. I love video games! My fave video games are Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. I have to have music to exist. I would shrivel and die without it. That's me, simple and clean... *cough, cough* Sorry... Bad pun...

Pic: [IMG]http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e184/Kitty_Kyoko/UzamakiNanoke.jpg[/IMG]


Thursday, December 21, 2006

Me singing "I don't want to be me" By Amanda Clemmens
Here goes my sanity...


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Friday, December 15, 2006

New Poems... Nuff said.
Some poems I've written...

By Nanoke_Chan

Because he died upon the cross,
This world did suffer a great loss,
But in that loss was greater gain,
We recieved salvation in his pain.

Because his blood was shed that day,
Because his price was the ultimate to pay,
Because he loved us all so much,
That's why he died in a manner as such.

He indured the pain of the sin of us all,
He did it in response to his father's call,
Because God told him that he must,
The living proof of "In God we trust".

Because Jesus Christ; the living lord,
Taught us all his father's word.
So remeber this now as you live your life,
All of it is possible through Jesus's strife

“The Saving Light”

I reach for the only tiny ray of light I see,
In the darkness that has almost completely engulfed me,
But as I come closer to it the light fades away,
Leaving me with nothing to keep me at bay,

I fear the darkness in my soul,
I fear it will take over my being whole,
I want to be saved but no one is there,
The hate and pain cut through the air,

I scream out for salvation, please help me,
My deepest and dearest wish is only to be free,
The feelings of loneliness and dread,
Are not justly described by the words I’ve said,

I’m not a being of the dark and I don’t belong there,
In a world of only deep and stabbing despair,
I pray to the day when you’ll get me out,
To the day when I’ll live without any doubt,

But what is this? Have I found the light once more?
It calls me by name to leave here just like once before,
I fear coming closer as I tried back then,
But alas I may not receive this chance again.

"Beautiful Disaster"

I'm a beautiful disaster,
My destiny's own master,
I follow the path my heart has set,
Because I know it's my best bet.

I live my life from day to day,
I don't really care what others say,
I won't be bound by what is real,
I'm free to choose and free to feel,

I'm a tranquil storm on a silent sea,
I'll never be anything other than me,
I want to be loved by someone for my heart,
And for the way I express myself through art,

I'll show everybody just what I can do,
And in the meanwhile I'll wait for you,
That you is the one I see in my dreams,
The one who could take me down at the seams,

Now alas as you really see the true me,
Now I can finally truly feel free,
Cuz I'm an eternal everlaster,
I'm the beautiful disaster.

By: Nanoke_chan_Uzamaki

I’ve been hurting since the day,
When daddy took us far away,
I really couldn’t understand why,
I guess I was only able to cry,

It’s hard when mom is never around,
And your whole world feels like it’s on rough ground,
I never thought it would happen to me,
I always thought our family would be,

Divorce is such an ugly thing,
With all the pain that it can bring,
It hurts the most cuz now I know,
Mom mostly won’t get to see me grow,

Maybe this thing has made me stronger,
Maybe through this I’ll last longer,
Once a summer is never enough,
And goodbye always feels so tough,

I wish I could change the way things that unfurled,
It’s seems that this divorce thing completely changed my world,
I miss those days when mom and dad were together,
And everything always seemed to get better,

I guess in the end there’s nothing I can do,
And it’s hard to accept that mom and dad are through,
I guess there’s really nothing else left to say,
Other than even through all this I’ll still be okay.

World Beyond the mirror
By Me

Enter the world you see in the mirror where nothing is quite as it seems,
Beware the maiden you meet in the mirror for in her eyes evil gleams,

Enter the world you see in the mirror but this warning please heed,
Watch out for the boy you meet in the mirror for he has done an evil deed,

Enter the world you see in the mirror where fantasy becomes real,
Trust not the scholar you meet in the mirror for your heart he'll surely steal,

Enter the world you see in the mirror where reality is whatever you see,
Beware the poetess you meet in the mirror for that poetess is me.

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   Ss... So very... Hot! Lol. J/K... So bored...
What I said up there... Bored! Dying of boredom! Dying to death... Dead... Damn... Not how I planned to go out... Oh well... Better than the fun box... *Shudders*

Fun Box! Fun Box! Small and square and dark!
Fun Box! Fun Box! Check out these cool fun locks!

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