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myOtaku.com: naoko

Thursday, October 28, 2004

  Hey. I'm at school rite now. I'm at the library. The French Club party was so awesome and there's this new club where you join and i think in november, they're goin to milwakee and trying new ethnic foods. I'm so joining but i had to go to the french club party. ^.^ It was so cool. we tped ashley and won 3 bags of candy. they're not them small candy bags. i'm really surprised that i'm this happy and that i'm actually writing down how i feel somewhere. o_O oh well. i guess it's nice to be able to tell someone without having them judge you. :\ btw. i'm so content right now, like nothing could bring me down. except my animé which makes me emo but whatever. Sabrina's workin on her projekt. She's sitting right next to me. hehe...in bio, we did this thing where we pretend to be some animal. cause we're learning about the food chain but everyone already knows about it. I still got my fox ears on right now. Sabrina says she wants to rip them off. i dont want her to. i taped the ears to my hair. ^.^ but i be okay. everything's been perfect lately. it's kinda scary if you ask me. but it's just when everything is perfect, there's always something that will ruin it. i'm not afraid just i guess i dont want things to be "perfect". *sighs* sabrina's an awesome friend. she never lets me down. she's like my sister but we dont talk that much anymore. :'( i only have lunch with her.
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