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a tree.
Member Since
Throwing rocks at people.
Real Name
Wouldn't you like to know.
Beating everyone at staring contests. o_O
Anime Fan Since
Three. But I only found out what it was January 2003.
Favorite Anime
Inu Yasha, .hack//SIGN, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Rurouni Kenshin, Magic Knight Rayearth, Chobits, Pita Ten, Kino's Journey, Ranma 1/2, Haibane Renmei, Di Gi Charat, Cardcaptor Sakura, and a bunch more...
I wanna get better at drawing.. and erm.. I wanna go to Japan.
Singing, drawing, playing DDR, watching anime, reading manga, and throwing stuff at people.
Singing, drawing, and playing DDR.
Hey. All of the stories below were made by a friend and I. Please comment on them and maybe even sign my guestbook. ^^
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Ikeh Joe
Ikeh Joe... the name the villagers remembered as the rice slayer. He was a legend. "There's a sponge on the man!!!" Yelled a woman, "RUN!" "I'm sorry..." Abba smiled weakly,"You're just not... your old goat self today..." It was hopeless. "Hello, son." The man greated the small child,"It's been quite a while..." The child looked the man in the eyes and shouted, "Tony the Tiger is my REAL dad!" "Gerrof me!" squelled the water bottle's toenail. It squelled and ate some paper. "There's a spider in your nose!" some person yelled. "Maybe Number Ten wants to ride the pickle too...?" Asked Mike. "IT'S NOT OKAY!" Mike's mom plowed. "PAUL FRANK!" Kimi shouted,"CAN I HAVE YOUR TAIL??" If 1+1=15, my life would be perfect! I want some nachoes... "OH! What a happy day it was! Maybe tomorrow will be even better, right Hamtaro??" Said the cheery Laura. "Go to hell!" yelled Hamtaro.
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The careless sponge floated slowly to the softly to the ground. An evil spoon sipped cold, fresh water from the brook. It tasted like green. He spreaded pink pb and j over his best friends begonia garden. It looked like Huflepuff of the North. And yet, Grandma walked home. Her sad expression made her yet again look like a basket. "Don't forget the fruitbowl!" cried the mortal basket. "I never thought I'd say this," a guy who just ate Tacoo Bell said, "But... I'm full...!" A tear of joy ran down his thrid hand. The hand looked very stern.. but said with pride, "Umbrellas smell purdy." Everyone was proud of little Bobby winning the race. They all threw sheep at an orange lamp in celebration. They were free from the pencil cases chocolate bar.
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Saturday, November 13, 2004
I'd like to wish my friend Kristie, a.k.a Azn Hunny15, a happy birthday. Please visit her site.
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"A cherry is in the night sky!" Shouted Tomo in awe. "I like goats milk and begonias down by the lake with Jimmy!" cackled a retarted hobo. "I shall be named Bob!!" Cried the no-name octopus. The squirrel blushed. "Jolly ranchers taste swell in pickles. It flavours them." "Candle in the zoo of light!" sang an old man. He had been singing for years... but this time he was sure he would find all 150 pokemon. "To say the least, curly toes have more flavour." Joe told Sue. "YOU TRAITOR!" Sue yelled in disbelief. "B-B-B-BARBIE STYLE!" The old man sang. He wouldn't give up. "I hear an old man screaming.." super cow admitted. "Do I have problems?" Yes. I don't know what this means, either... but I know it was about a twinkie.
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Many moons ago, a young boy was caught winking at a mouse. "I have a fish in meh pants!" some dude said. "Well lets take the fishy out of the aquarium!" Shouted a shell named Lamp. "My life can't get any worse..." sighed Kagome as she took the Nestea Plunge. In celebration, a guy went to a bar. "This pizza tastes like nail polish!" a bum yelled. "MY MUSTARD!!!" beamed an old lady. "I thought you were gone for good!" she recalled with pride. There is a time when people laugh. There is a time when people cry. But people will never understand that I don't care.
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004
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Sunday, September 26, 2004
Miroku just got a pet donkey. "Well, I'm leaving earth!" Miroku declared. He rapped a Sponge Bob blanket around himself, "I'm a smurf!" He shouteed with joy. Yes, cheese is an artifact of joy, too. So is mold... what the hell...? "Cheese is good if you have crackers. My girlfriend steals crackers at night." Miroku chumed."Speaking of cows, I have a stalk of them in my basement." "COWS MOO!" Number 10 squeeled as he curled up into a ball. "NO! Number 10 has escaped! I thought that marshmellow decoy would work!" Cried Mike. Remember.. keep an open mind, and open heart, and an open door... so I can steal all your stuff.
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What? part2
"MMM! I simply love the smell of my fresh maple walnut pastry!" Squeeled a Tim Horton's co worker. "Don't let number 10 out of his cage!" Hissed Mike's mom. "YAY! I'm fainaly back in my own relem!" Squeeled a banana-peeling hippo. "But mom! Number 10 saved my life! Please let him out!" Mike cried. He was in great pain. He felt like he would green. A fat man quickly stuffed his mouth with suculent pig. MM! Creamy delight splashed all over the old man's poncho. Why did it have to be him? "Pink or Purple?" Grandpa asked Gran," Which is more flattering?" "I met a possum on my way to jolly land..." said a crumb. "If 1+1=2, 2=2=3, right?" Kyou mumbled. Arg, math is so confusing!
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What? (please comment)
Azumanga Daioh is a life story about a doggy. Just then, a magical fairy sat on a sleeping panda. The orange shrieked. "Come on in!" Grandma smiled. Her wrinkles made her look like a sprinkle. Kiki smiled and said,"It's not much, but at least you don't look like a basket anymore." She sighed sligtly and turned yellow. "Don't get into my car! It's in a bad mood!" The dude cried. 'OMG! IT'S HER!" Hobo Joe yelled. He quickly took out his lighter and swayed back and forth with pride. "Can I even talk?" asked the peanut of hope. Miroku got down on his hands and knees. "Please... help me in my times of need, voodoo stapler!" "Fine... but promise not to let the powerful doughnut of the East go..." Said the voodoo stapler.
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The mysterious monk sighed. He had been sitting on a rock for seven days. He was in pain. A lizard told the messed up monk,"I personaly think Orlando Bloom is a dolphin." "I don't think I can be a swimimming pool..." A random monkey cried. The monk lazily looked into the monkey's beady eyes. "I belive in ghosts." He proudly responded. "I can't feel my legs," Monkey cried,"and I smell like poop!" "Well woe is you." The monk cackled, "I've always wanted glasses!" He shoved a sponge into the monkey's mouth and plunged to his death. There shall be a day where pie can be the same as cake... and on that day, mustard shall never see the sun.
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Sunday, August 29, 2004
Once upon a time in the land of nod... I am a turkey. This feathered friend was unique in many ways.. erm.. he smelled like cherry. "Ohla, Star!" Dora the explorer said. "Swiper no swiping!" Yelled Sam. He was determend this time. "My blood hurts.." Dora sighed as she hit the ground dead. No one had a funerel.. just.. someone shot off a drawer of ice cream. "I don't get paid.." some guy said. The sky glowed red as he steped upon the stage. BOOM! Harry Potter thought about how he wanted some cheese badly. I guess he won't have a good sock day this year...
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Twas a day to remember. Yes, a sad yet happy time. It surly was. For it was the opening of the Purple Monkey Dishwasher. "SOMEONE TOOK MY SANDWICH!" a voice yelled. Suddenly the Purple Sandwich Monster appeared. The children around the PurpleSM dug holes deep into the ground and made popping noises. "TEA FOR YOU! TEA FOR ALL" A child named Sam shouted. Little did the octopus know that the tea from Whinne was.. NA NA NA! POISENED! "I have no name!" The octopus declaired. "WHY THE HELL SHOULD I CARE!? I JUST WANT 50% OFF ON MY NEXT PURCHASE!" Takanori shouted. "There be a bird in meh coffee." Some guy said. And so, that snail rode off into the sunset...
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One beautiful day a girl named Jojo found a nickel named Bob. Jojo thought that Bob was a frog so she gave him the name "Froggydoo". A large smile spread across Jojo's face and her eyes filled with tears of joy... Yes. Oh so happy was Murr the poop. She had been decoped.. whatever that means. Murr nodded her hed emotionally and whispered to Jojo's nickel "I think I love you." "NO! NOT SANTA!" Jojo shouted. She flew away in tears of mops. Jojo was peacefully floating away when she saw an evil spoon arise out of the night sky. "It's okay, Mike, we can come back next year." Mikes mom said. "BUT I WANT TO SEE THE FORK!!!" Mike yelled. Too bad.
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Smur's Carrot
In a little town called Pizzaroo there lived a girl named Smur. Now Smur wasn't your average teenager. She was special. Yes, this banana was a special turd of truth. She could cont to purple backwards. La dee da. Sometimes this "banana" would come out of Smur's mind when she was sleeping and feast on buttered crumpit's souls. "Curly toes! Nose!" The souls would cry as they got sucked into a turkey. And for that simple reason Thanksgiving was Smur's least favorite season thingy... BEGONIA! Everyone ran home with a twinkle in their eyes. Christmas was here. Joy.
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