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myOtaku.com: Naraku19

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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WolfBloodSamurai (03/12/05)

Damn dirty ape!!! I'm not a fan of Naraku but still its a pretty awesome site!

FatherWolf (03/12/05)

Y yes i noe that song, itr is a great song, welcome to the pack, pass along the word!

Xioz (03/12/05)

�.o;;; So.... I'm a punk for not signing your guestbook??? Well... I'm signing it now.... and.... yeah.... so... HA HA HA I'm not a punk... or... anything... yeah.... >.>;;;

Xioz Mecallean Taschez

Vamp2004 (03/11/05)

thanks for signing my guestbook.
Your site is cool.
So full of Naraku! @_@
its still cool though.

NekoVampLuna (03/11/05)

Thanks for signing my gb!! I appreciate it!! Cool site, I love the bg!! Ummm...If you need any help with anything on your site, I can help...Cya!!


Queen of Anime (03/11/05)

Hey! Thanks for signing my gb! You have a cool site here. ^-^ I like it alot. Well, till later, bye!
Queen of Anime ^-^

ladysesshoumaru (03/11/05)

I like ur site. Thanks for signin my g/b i appreciate it. I'm addin u as a friend


Steptoussai (03/11/05)

Hey there Naraku19! Awesome site! Love the Naraku theme you got going!

I shall add you as a friend and will comment on all your posts!

~Hugs and Love Always~

Bizarro-Sephiroth (03/11/05)

Hey thx for signing my GB Your site is really interesting and if you dont mind im gonna add you as a friend.

SesshTaisho (03/11/05)

Hey thanks for signing my guest book.I like your site too.

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